Archive | July, 2010
leaf butterfly

Howler Monkeys, Spanish Verbs and Floating Rocks

July 18 – 24 We’re at a Spanish language school/ scientific research station on the shores of Laguna de Apoyo. All four of us take private Spanish lessons for 4 hours in the morning. In the afternoons, we swim in the lake which is in the crater of an extinct volcano. The land along the […]

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Johnny in the cloud forest

Mombacho! Mombacho!

July 16 We had our first big excursion on Friday. After Mitch went for an early run and Bjorn had time to work on IDLA and Emma to write in her journal we were off at the crack of 10:00. We needed to catch a bus near the market so we wound our way through […]

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Street scene in Granada

July 13th and 14th according to Emma

July 13th Today we went out to the coast. I liked the drive up the most. I saw people people using blades to chop grass instead of lawnmowers. I  also saw a man taming chickens at least it looked like it.  They were standing all around him with one leg on the ground and one […]

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Pacific coast

The adventure begins

Our first full day in Nicaragua.  When you plan a long trip, it is with the expectation that not everything will go smoothly.  We didn’t have to wait long to fulfill our expectations.  Our flight from Miami to Managua was delayed a couple of hours, which was not a big deal.  However, when we arrived […]

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Sunset over Miami

first day!

Well, yesterday certainly was an exiting first day. After spending the whole day in three planes, we finally got to the Nicaraguan airport and it turns out we lost all of our luggage, except mine. So we told them to send it to hotel Mozante, our place for the night.  We hired a taxi driver […]

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