Tag Archives: iguana
Emma and the Iguanas

Dolphins and Iguanas

Today we went down to watch the dolphin show. The trainers would have the dolphins do tricks. Some of the tricks were: they made the dolphins jump, one of the the trainers would ride the dolphin with both of his feet on each of the dolphins. One of the tricks was he stood on the […]

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iguanas on the beach


We’ve made it to our first island, and I have been having a great time. The first day was a long trip on the ferry on which Emma threw up, but other than that, the trip was pretty fun. We even saw a shipwreck near Roatan. Then we headed to our hotel, a place called […]

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leaf butterfly

Howler Monkeys, Spanish Verbs and Floating Rocks

July 18 – 24 We’re at a Spanish language school/ scientific research station on the shores of Laguna de Apoyo. All four of us take private Spanish lessons for 4 hours in the morning. In the afternoons, we swim in the lake which is in the crater of an extinct volcano. The land along the […]

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