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Agni Air in Nepal

Best and Worst of the Trip

Here’s a distillation of the best and worst of our trip around the world. We lots of fun putting this together during the final weeks of our trip. Most useful item we brought with us: Mitch’s swiss army knife. We used it for everything from extracting a sea urchin spine from Mitch’s foot at the […]

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Emma and the macaws

Copan Ruinas

August 13 Today we went to the Macaw Mountain Bird Park. It was a 21/2 kilometer walk from town. We had a guide bring us through. The first stop was the parakeets, then scarlet macaws. There was a cage for scarlet macaws that you could walk through. There were also toucans, green macaws, aracaris, owls, […]

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Leaving Roatan

Yesterday (the 11th) we left Roatan. There were a lot of mixed feelings about leaving. We certainly had a great time there, and it was very relaxing. Our place was on the ocean, with a great view of a beautiful, white sand beach. And the diving was wonderful. The reefs there are in very nice […]

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Copan statues

Visiting the Mayan ruins

Wow! Today was great! We left Roatan yesterday, and we were all sad to go. It was Mom and Dad’s favorite place in the Caribbean, and it was me and my sister’s favorite (and only) place too. But now we have reached Copan Ruinas and having just as much fun. We are staying at a […]

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The Travel Routine

After four weeks on the road we appreciate even more the value of routine. It helps all of us to have a bit of structure and allows us to take advantage of the best a particular area has to offer us. In the tropics during rainy season, the best part of the day is the […]

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Emma and the Iguanas

Dolphins and Iguanas

Today we went down to watch the dolphin show. The trainers would have the dolphins do tricks. Some of the tricks were: they made the dolphins jump, one of the the trainers would ride the dolphin with both of his feet on each of the dolphins. One of the tricks was he stood on the […]

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photo 3(3)

Day Seven in Roatan

Day Seven in Roatan Excepting Emma’s losing battle with seasickness on the ferry ride to Roatan, our time here has been great! But what is not to like about spending time on a beautiful white sand beach, lined with palm trees and jungle overlooking calm blue seas? Things got even better yesterday when we moved […]

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iguanas on the beach


We’ve made it to our first island, and I have been having a great time. The first day was a long trip on the ferry on which Emma threw up, but other than that, the trip was pretty fun. We even saw a shipwreck near Roatan. Then we headed to our hotel, a place called […]

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On the beach in San Juan Del Sur

Goodbye Nicaragua, Hello Honduras

Bootsnall Blog We left Nicaragua on the 29th, after 17 days there. We had decided to move on to Honduras because we were concerned that Bjorn and Emma were not enjoying things as much as Margit and I were, and we thought some diving would really get them excited. Of course, we are not certain […]

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