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Agni Air in Nepal

Best and Worst of the Trip

Here’s a distillation of the best and worst of our trip around the world. We lots of fun putting this together during the final weeks of our trip. Most useful item we brought with us: Mitch’s swiss army knife. We used it for everything from extracting a sea urchin spine from Mitch’s foot at the […]

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Bride poses for us at Dragon Bridge


We are now back in the US traveling up the Pacific Coast and as usual we are at least three weeks behind on our blog. We intend to continue posting until we are caught up. So stay tuned and continue to check for updates. -Margit Our first day in Yangshuo we hung out. That night […]

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Our first day in Ubud we hung out. The next day we went to Monkey forest. There were tons of monkeys there. A little too many. There were monkeys eating bananas, and coconuts that the people who worked there gave to them. One monkey stole a huge bundle of bananas and was stuffing them in […]

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Bjorn – India to Nepal trek 270

Nepal Trekking

Day one After a day in Pokhara we took a mini van up to a small village where we started our trek. About half way into it I suddenly started up a story called “The Adventures of Timothy Mouse” which I had to stop at the end of the trek. The first day was pretty […]

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Bjorn – koh phagnan to luang prabang 022

Big Brother Mouse and COPE

When we began our trip eight months ago in Nicaragua, we weren’t even out of the parking lot of the airport when two young boys approached our car trying to sell us small straw flowers. The next day beggars approached us as we sat at a restaurant. We started to talk as a family about […]

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Monkeys in Angkor Wat

On the first day in Cambodia we went to the ruins. We noticed monkeys on our way up. There were a lot of them in one place. It was like a pack. Mom asked to stop the tuk tuk to take some pictures of them. Once we took the pictures we drove on. On the […]

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On the 3rd of January we took a bus to Bergama. We hadn’t booked a place yet so we decided to check out a place called The Odyssey Guest House. It was on a small narrow street. When we got there we had to take our shoes off before we went inside. There were little […]

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Hagia Sofia interior

Basilica Cistern, Aya Sofia, the Blue Mosque, and the Bus Tour

We’re behind again. Darn. Alright, Istanbul… Basilica Cistern On our first day there we began a long hike searching for our hotel. Dad punched the address into his ipad and we started off. After a long time (seemed longed because we were carrying our enormous packs) we were very tired. Dad spotted a sign for […]

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gingerbread cookies

Christmas in Bulgaria

December 18 – 25 Crossing the Border in Santa Hats The Bulgarian border crossing guards looked into our train compartment and immediately started laughing and speaking to us in Bulgarian. Emma, Bjorn and I wore the santa hats that I bought at the Euro store in Athens. The guards obviously thought this was quite amusing […]

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View in Crete


We arrived in Plakias in our rental car which we got in Heraklion. At first we had a little trouble finding an apartment to stay. Since it was winter most of the hotels and apartments were closed, and Bjorn and I wanted a place by the beach. We finally got a place a little bit […]

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