Archive | May, 2011
Margit Yangshuo-Crater lake 096

Forbidden (City) Pleasures

We saved the best for the last couple of days of our foreign travels, or at least some of the best. It was not planned that way. We had originally planned to spend a month in China, but when we made some changes to our itinerary, we were unable to get a flight from Bali […]

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Bjorn: the terra cotta warior


May 11 and 12 It was a whirlwind stop in Xian to see the Terra Cotta Warriors. We all knew before we got there that it wouldn’t be enough time and we regretted it the whole time we were there. There was only time to do one thing and the rest of the things we […]

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Bride poses for us at Dragon Bridge


We are now back in the US traveling up the Pacific Coast and as usual we are at least three weeks behind on our blog. We intend to continue posting until we are caught up. So stay tuned and continue to check for updates. -Margit Our first day in Yangshuo we hung out. That night […]

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Monitor lizards

Going to China

We have been so long without posting anything! Yikes. Well, We’re almost to the end of the trip, so have a lot of catching up to do. I’ll start with our flight out of Bali, Indonesia. After arguing with Dad over the taxi prices, we finally hired a guy to drive us across the island. […]

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View of mountains

Frowns With Rice

Amed, April 27 – May 5 After Ubud, we spent eight days on the beach in Amed on the northeastern coast of Bali. Other than Mitch’s battle with a meter-long, crazed, female triggerfish near the wreck of the USS Liberty, it was a very quiet week. That was perfect. We enjoyed the chance to explore […]

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Our first day in Ubud we hung out. The next day we went to Monkey forest. There were tons of monkeys there. A little too many. There were monkeys eating bananas, and coconuts that the people who worked there gave to them. One monkey stole a huge bundle of bananas and was stuffing them in […]

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View Down Beach From Our Place

Dive Time

Our first stop in Indonesia was Lembongan Island, a small island within sight of the island of Bali. We decided to go to Lembongan because it was reputed to be quiet, laid-back, scenic, and has good diving. The guide book describes Lembongan as the Bali you would have found 20 years ago. Not that the […]

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