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View Down Beach From Our Place

Dive Time

Our first stop in Indonesia was Lembongan Island, a small island within sight of the island of Bali. We decided to go to Lembongan because it was reputed to be quiet, laid-back, scenic, and has good diving. The guide book describes Lembongan as the Bali you would have found 20 years ago. Not that the […]

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Hanging Out

Long term traveling is an interesting psychological experiment. You go through different phases of feelings about your trip. Or at least, I did. Early on, the first few months, I was caught up in the excitement of being out of the states for the first time in memory. Even Mom and Dad had that feeling […]

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Camel taking it easy on the Desert Highway in Jordan

Three Countries in One Day

December 8, 2010 After a week or so of travel we’ve landed on the southern coast of Crete. I’m looking out at rugged mountains and calm seas. The unseasonable warm temperatures make the Christmas decorations in the stores here seem very out of place. Ten days ago, we left Dahab reluctantly after an eleven day […]

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Sea Not the Way There

For Dahab, the four days in Hurghada was a great act to follow. Hurghada is on the Red Sea, and diving is done there, but the reefs have been poorly cared for, reportedly leaving poor diving. It is a large, strung-out coastal city that has been recently developed, and consists mainly of large, package-tour resorts, […]

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Gifts from the Red Sea

Thanksgiving on the Red Sea

November 25 Our day was quite unlike any other Thanksgiving Day. We woke early and after a breakfast of french toast, we put on our swim suits and walked a half hour down the beach to the Bedouin Divers. We realized this would be a different dive experience because instead of putting our gear on […]

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Day Seven in Roatan

Day Seven in Roatan Excepting Emma’s losing battle with seasickness on the ferry ride to Roatan, our time here has been great! But what is not to like about spending time on a beautiful white sand beach, lined with palm trees and jungle overlooking calm blue seas? Things got even better yesterday when we moved […]

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iguanas on the beach


We’ve made it to our first island, and I have been having a great time. The first day was a long trip on the ferry on which Emma threw up, but other than that, the trip was pretty fun. We even saw a shipwreck near Roatan. Then we headed to our hotel, a place called […]

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