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Chilling in Bangkok

Monday, November 28th, 2005

Kate and I made plans to meet up today as she is in BKK until Wednesday. Right now she is crashed illegally in my room..long story but if I can’t get out of Bangkok, don’t blame me:)

Today, we TRIED to get to the Golden Mountain and a few other temples. Apparently, today was some kind of Tourism Authority promotion. Basically, the tuk-tuk drivers will charge 10baht each ($0.25) to take you where you want to go BUT you have to go to the TAT (Tourism Authority) and to a silk shop. In return, the driver gets a gas voucher. I think its a scam and its a big pain in the ass if you don’t want to book a tour or buy tailored clothes. Our driver got mad and “dumped” us after taking us to the two temples. After walking for a bit, we decided to get over to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch=very touristy:) I spent the most money on a meal since I have been in Asia-for $12USD, I got ribs, frenchfries, baked beans, coleslaw, salad, and 2 cokes!!!! It was soooo awesome. I love Thai food..but rice and noodles get old after a week or so of eating them every day. After lunch, we decided to check out the MBK Center which is 7 floors of shopping, internet, playstation,movies, and anything you could imagine. Kate talked me into seeing Harry Potter 4. Mind you, I haven’t seen any of the others yet. It was soo cool. They have an awesome cinema and after the previews they show pictures of the king and everyone stands out of respect. There are pictures of the king everywhere. It was a pretty good movie too. For $2.50USD:) 2 sodas and a popcorn were $2.00USD. I am getting spoiled here!!!

All in all, a very nice day! Oh, if anyone wants anything (CDs, DVDs, etc…let me know-they are available for $1 or $2)……Now, I have to find out about Koh Samui..apparently they ahd flooding this past week and I have to make sure all is cool!

Ciao for now!

Wat in Bangkok?

Monday, November 28th, 2005

Well, in Asia “wats” are temples and that was an attempt at a joke:)

Anyway, yesterday (Sunday) the tour officially ended. Kate, Gwen, (both from the UK) and I decided to spend the day seeing some sights. We checked out the Grand Palace at Wat Pho (Po). The buildings were massive. Wat Phra Kaeu is the holiest site in the country and houses the Emeerald Buddha which is actaully a jade buddha…in Thailand emerald is the color not the stone. The emerald buddha is only 60cm high and the king changes his costume (the buddhas) seasonally. The building is from 1785 and is used for state functions. Wat Po houses the reclining buddha which was realllllllly big-about 45 meters long.

After temple hopping, we decided to hire a longtail boat for a tour of the Chao Phraya River. We were able to see some houses which are built on stilits.

At night, we met up with a few others from the tour for a couple of drinks. Some people headed on another Interepid Tour, some are headed to the beach, and some home. All in all, the Intrepid Tour was wonderful and the people were great. All the hard parts were figured out for you and the accomodations were 150% better than I would have thought. Check them out at Laos next year, anyone???? 🙂

The road to Bangkok

Saturday, November 26th, 2005
Left Siem Reap at 7AM yesterday morning for the long ride to Bangkok. It was 4 hours on a VERY bumpy, basic dirt "road". Today was the first day I did not feel 100% and a few other ... [Continue reading this entry]

Siem Reap Day 3

Friday, November 25th, 2005
So yesterday we saw the Floating Village. It was an interesting experience. Everything-houses, schools, churches,"stores"- are either on boats or on floating planks. Apparently, 30,000 people live on the Tonle Sap River. It is a very poor area, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Angkor Wat

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
This morning, we arrive at ANGKOR WAT at 5AM. This temple was constructe in the early-mid 12th century. It was a massive pyramid and is about 65 meters off the ground. It is surrounded by a moat. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Siem Reap

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Today we flew from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. It was about a 35 minute flight. Once we arrived, we checked into another awesome hotel and went straight out to see some of the temples. So far, we have ... [Continue reading this entry]

Phnom Penh Day 2

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
Today was slightly sad and depressing. We spent the morning at the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum, which is a former school that served as a Khmer Rouge torture center. This was pretty heavy. The rooms had a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Heading into Cambodia

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005
So how many people can say they did a border crossing by boat?? It was pretty sweet. We went from Chau Doc to Phnom Penh. It took about 4 hours up the Mekong River. The border is ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Mekong

Sunday, November 20th, 2005
We woke early today and we had an 8 hour bus ride to Chau Doc, which is close to the Vietnam-Cambodia Border. I had my first experience of a squat toilet on the way....I won't go into details here but ... [Continue reading this entry]

Touring Ho Chi Minh City

Sunday, November 20th, 2005
Okay, mother don't freak out but I took a motorbike tour to see the sights. As in the crazy motos that were all over the road and freaked me out the first day I go here. I walk ... [Continue reading this entry]