BootsnAll Travel Network

Hong Kong, Baby!

Well, well, well. I am here in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China, in case you were like what SARS? Hah). The flight from Bangkok was only about 2 1/2 hours but we had turbulence for quite a bit of the way, even at 38,500 feet. The British pilot apologized a few times but seems there was a lot of traffic above us. We arrived at 1:40PM-there is an hour time difference ahead. They had temperature taking stations set up but they just waved us through..uh, okay. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the airport was how it didn’t smell. Like anything. It was very hygenic! Customs was a breeze and I took the Airport Express to Kowloon. At Kowloon, the taxi stand was so orderly, I got a cab right away. I was worried since my taxi debocle in Bangkok but the hostel had put chinese characters on the sheet I had with me so it worked like a charm cause otherwise, he didn’t speak a word of anglais either-not that he should have to…I hope my rant didn’t sound too bad about that. You could easily say that I should’ve learned more Thai or Chinese, or Cambodian or whatever so. The hostel is interesting. I am not sure if there are shops, apartments, or what in the buildings but everyone smiles and Jacky Chan (yeah, for real) the manager was very helpful. I immediately left my shoebox aka room and went to the Sheraton Hotel (ahem) to book a tour for tomorrow. So bright and early, I am going on the Hong Kong Orientation Tour-figured that should be helpful. On the way back, I spotted a TGIFridays…hello, dinner. Remember, I hadn’t eaten yesterday and breakfast on the plane was pancakes with mushrooms (yes, really). So, I ducked in and ordered the three for all and a salad. It didn’t seem like they were too popular; there were only 3 tables filled at any given time. Whatever, I had decent, recognizable food and Madonna videos playing. It was great. I am just glad that I lived in NY for that year because I am like a master at sidewalk walking. I don’t get to practice that skill too much in Clearwater or even Oldsmar, for that matter:) I guess that’s all. Peace!


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