Bonjour from Tahiti!!
Saturday, October 15th, 2005Well, arrived in Tahiti to the pitch darkness at 6PM on Thursday. Airport was small and had to climb down the ladder on the tarmac. Nice. They did have a tahitian band playing island music and gave everyone a flower. Cute. Received the 1st stamp in the ole passport!! The Sheraton Hotel was Gorgeous. See here for example:
A nice way to start off this budget trip…haha. It looked like the brochure. Tike torches and all. Took a bubble bath and went to sleep. I know, exciting!!!
I had pancakes for breakfast and realized that I Paid $30 for them. And, no
they did not taste like $30 pancakes. No wonder only the rich go there. Holy cow!
Yesterday, I did take a tour and met some people from of all places, Sarasota. Go figure. We saw a grotto, black sand beaches (they have black and white, getting along together), and the botanical gardens, as well as the Paul Gaugain Musuem.
Au bientot!! (My high school french came back some and no, I did not offer to prove it by saying the “Hail Mary” en francais.)