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Koh Samui to Bangkok

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

So, in the rain, I board the flight on Thursday (12/8) back to Bangkok. The rest of this entry is going to be called “It would be really funny if it was happening to someone else!” 🙂

The flight only took about 40 minutes and we apparently rolled up a little too early because we circled around several times before we landed. Collected luggage very easily and I walk past the official tax counter because, afterall, my guide book says to keep walking until you get outside and you will save about 200 Baht ($5USD) right off the bat! I grab the first taxi who says “Where you going?”. I give him the name of the hotel, the Airport Siridia. Since airport is in the name, I figure it has to be pretty close. He drives away and pulls over on the road and gets out to use the phone…okay…then I see him asking passers-by my sheet with the hotel name on it. Great…he doesn’t know where it is and can only say “Where you going” in english. He proceeds to take me to 5 different otels, all of which would like to sell me a room for the night. I am thinking I am going to be scamed when the manager of the last place comes out and gives the driver directions to my hotel. The manager says apparently, he doesn’t speak much english (much or any, I’m thinking), but now he knows where to go. So, all in all, we drove around for about 2 hours. The hotel was okay. Glad its for only one night and I think I will pass on dinner:) A photo of the menu will explain.

Tomorrow, Friday 12/9, I head to Hong Kong. I can’t believe this is the “last leg” of my trip. I am looking forward to getting home, not sure if the holidays have anything to do with this or not. In the meantime, have fun and talk soon!

Koh Samui

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

For the record, Koh Samui is pronounced Sa-MOO-EE. It only took a few times of me saying it wrong:) Anyway, the island did not turn out to be the tropical paradise I had planned on. It rained non-stop everyday until I left. I guess it didn’t matter either way because I ate something bad and was sick for 2 1/2 of those days anyway. Like, really sick. One good thing is that I did have 2 english language channels, CNN and Discovery. So, if you have any questions on the Sadaam trial/circus or on fishing in the Orinoco, the history of Singapore, or figuring out urban legends, I think I am an authority on these subjects now. I also had a book-thank god Kate and I swapped before we left Bangkok or I would have really been out of my head! That really sums up my paradise retreat in Samui!

Bangkok to Koh Samui

Thursday, December 8th, 2005
On 12/3 Saturday, I checked out of the Viengtai Hotel in Bangkok with not too much trouble until I went to get a taxi to the airport. The desk tells me500 Baht when yesterday it was 300. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Just an FYI

Thursday, December 8th, 2005
I am a bit better and have blown through Koh Samui..ugh...this internet is so slow it would take me an hour but I will update right quick! Off to Hong Kong tomorrow. Peace.

Really chilling out in BKK

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005
The long and short of it is I feel decidedly unwell today. I am on my own as Kate left to go to the River Kwai until Friday. Carmel (from Ireland) is still here until tomorrow and we ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bangkok touring

Tuesday, November 29th, 2005
Well, today we slept in until about 11AM....Carmel (on the tour from Ireland) called and asked if we wanted to do some sightseeing. We went to lunch and then headed up to Wat Arun (aka Temple of the Dawn); ... [Continue reading this entry]

Chilling in Bangkok

Monday, November 28th, 2005
Kate and I made plans to meet up today as she is in BKK until Wednesday. Right now she is crashed illegally in my room..long story but if I can't get out of Bangkok, don't blame me:) Today, we TRIED ... [Continue reading this entry]

Wat in Bangkok?

Monday, November 28th, 2005
Well, in Asia "wats" are temples and that was an attempt at a joke:) Anyway, yesterday (Sunday) the tour officially ended. Kate, Gwen, (both from the UK) and I decided to spend the day seeing some sights. We checked ... [Continue reading this entry]

The road to Bangkok

Saturday, November 26th, 2005
Left Siem Reap at 7AM yesterday morning for the long ride to Bangkok. It was 4 hours on a VERY bumpy, basic dirt "road". Today was the first day I did not feel 100% and a few other ... [Continue reading this entry]