BootsnAll Travel Network

Wat in Bangkok?

Well, in Asia “wats” are temples and that was an attempt at a joke:)

Anyway, yesterday (Sunday) the tour officially ended. Kate, Gwen, (both from the UK) and I decided to spend the day seeing some sights. We checked out the Grand Palace at Wat Pho (Po). The buildings were massive. Wat Phra Kaeu is the holiest site in the country and houses the Emeerald Buddha which is actaully a jade buddha…in Thailand emerald is the color not the stone. The emerald buddha is only 60cm high and the king changes his costume (the buddhas) seasonally. The building is from 1785 and is used for state functions. Wat Po houses the reclining buddha which was realllllllly big-about 45 meters long.

After temple hopping, we decided to hire a longtail boat for a tour of the Chao Phraya River. We were able to see some houses which are built on stilits.

At night, we met up with a few others from the tour for a couple of drinks. Some people headed on another Interepid Tour, some are headed to the beach, and some home. All in all, the Intrepid Tour was wonderful and the people were great. All the hard parts were figured out for you and the accomodations were 150% better than I would have thought. Check them out at Laos next year, anyone???? 🙂


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