BootsnAll Travel Network

The road to Bangkok

Left Siem Reap at 7AM yesterday morning for the long ride to Bangkok. It was 4 hours on a VERY bumpy, basic dirt “road”. Today was the first day I did not feel 100% and a few other people did not as well but thankfully, by night I felt much better! We reached the border, a town called Sisophon around noon. Customs was very simple. Apparently, sometimes it can be quite difficult because the only thing the town has to offer are casinos. In Thailand, gambling is illegal but in Cambodia it is not. It only took a few minutes to exit Cambodia and then there were a few minutes of being in “no mans land” then entry into Thailand. Another 4 hours on real roads and we were in Bangkok.

We had a few hours to relax and then the group met for dinner. I had pizza and it was better than most pizza in Florida:) We went for drinks and they werew $1USD each. Nice. We checked out Khao San Road (the most popular/touristy spot here) but because it was a Saturday night, it was packed. Chris, from the US, decided to give the friend grasshopper and worms a go. I told him I would buy him a drink if he did it, but I think he was going to try them either…they put soy sauce and MSG on them. Yuck. I am so not that adventurous..

I am here until Saturday so will have plenty of time to check out the sights….there are also a few people from the tour that are here for a few days so it will be good to have some people to hang out with some more.

Hope all is well! La gon for now!


One Response to “The road to Bangkok”

  1. Eileen Says:

    I think you should try the worms &
    grasshoppers then you’ll be able to get on “Fear Factor” & win $50,000.
    Seriously, this trip sounds like it will be a life changing experience. Your pictures are great, & we can’t wait to see them all. I hope you are taking lots of them. Take Care & Enjoy!
    We miss you!
    Mom & Dad

  2. Posted from United States United States