Getting Lost in Melbourne
Tuesday, November 15th, 2005Literally. For the first time on my trip, I got lost and it was not my fault! I took the tram (aka trolley) to the city. Well, about 1/2 way through another tram was broken down on the line and the tram I was on could not proceed. So, everybody off. Me and one other person. I just figured if I walked in the direction of the tram, I would eventually find my way. Half hour later and I decided to hop on another tram which said it went to the city. Half hour after that I finally got to the city but had about 8 blocks to walk to where I wanted to go-the Visitor Center. Sigh. Well, I ended up doing 2 2-hour walks around the city…saw St. Pauls Cathedral and some parks and gardens. It was really crowded, though. And, there were also protests on about workers rights (there is some legislation causing problems here) and the recently jailed terrorists friends have been causing scenes outside the courthouse so there were police everywhere.
Anyway, it took 20 minutes to get back to St. Kilda by tram:) Oh, I also heard the Hawaai’n (sp?) Christmas song. Christmas???
So, tomorrow (Thursday) I leave for Vietnam and I start my 10 day tour on Sunday November 19th. I am not sure what the access will be like so if I am not on for a few days, don’t panic…haha
Cheers for now!