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Exploring Hong Kong

Monday, December 12th, 2005

So I decided to do a tour of Hong Kong Island. We went to Victoria Peak where there are views (it was a bit foggy) of Victoria Peak and Kowloon. Next it was onto Aberdeen Fishing Village. A few of us went on a sampan ride. The sampans are only used for tourists now but previously there was a whole “water lifesytle”. The woman who was driving the sampan had to be about 80 years old and spoke no english. When the ride was just about over, she tapped me on the shoulder and gave me the international sign for “time to pay me”. I bet she was a… After the ride, we went off to Repulse Bay to see views of the South China Sea. There were lots of people on the beach and they have a shark fence to prevent attacks. It looked like a pretty decent beach. Then it was onto Stanley Market. As markets go, this one was very neat and organized especially after Vietnam and Cambodia. It was not that big and I think I saw the whole thing in about an hour. We also went to a jewlrey factory-the usual for doing a tour. Nobody bought anything, though.

A funny thing happened on the tour….one of the woman on the tour asked if I would like my photo taken when she realized I was traveling alone. She told her daughter to come and take my picture and we started talking. Turns out she is also a Bootsnall member from Alaska. They always talk about random meetings and here I had one. Too funny.

Anyway, I am on my way home now. Wow!! Highlights and lowlights to follow:)

See ya soon:)

Hong Kong, Baby!

Friday, December 9th, 2005

Well, well, well. I am here in Hong Kong (Special Administrative Region of China, in case you were like what SARS? Hah). The flight from Bangkok was only about 2 1/2 hours but we had turbulence for quite a bit of the way, even at 38,500 feet. The British pilot apologized a few times but seems there was a lot of traffic above us. We arrived at 1:40PM-there is an hour time difference ahead. They had temperature taking stations set up but they just waved us through..uh, okay. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the airport was how it didn’t smell. Like anything. It was very hygenic! Customs was a breeze and I took the Airport Express to Kowloon. At Kowloon, the taxi stand was so orderly, I got a cab right away. I was worried since my taxi debocle in Bangkok but the hostel had put chinese characters on the sheet I had with me so it worked like a charm cause otherwise, he didn’t speak a word of anglais either-not that he should have to…I hope my rant didn’t sound too bad about that. You could easily say that I should’ve learned more Thai or Chinese, or Cambodian or whatever so. The hostel is interesting. I am not sure if there are shops, apartments, or what in the buildings but everyone smiles and Jacky Chan (yeah, for real) the manager was very helpful. I immediately left my shoebox aka room and went to the Sheraton Hotel (ahem) to book a tour for tomorrow. So bright and early, I am going on the Hong Kong Orientation Tour-figured that should be helpful. On the way back, I spotted a TGIFridays…hello, dinner. Remember, I hadn’t eaten yesterday and breakfast on the plane was pancakes with mushrooms (yes, really). So, I ducked in and ordered the three for all and a salad. It didn’t seem like they were too popular; there were only 3 tables filled at any given time. Whatever, I had decent, recognizable food and Madonna videos playing. It was great. I am just glad that I lived in NY for that year because I am like a master at sidewalk walking. I don’t get to practice that skill too much in Clearwater or even Oldsmar, for that matter:) I guess that’s all. Peace!