BootsnAll Travel Network

Siem Reap Day 3

So yesterday we saw the Floating Village. It was an interesting experience. Everything-houses, schools, churches,”stores”- are either on boats or on floating planks. Apparently, 30,000 people live on the Tonle Sap River. It is a very poor area, relative to the rest of the city. Last evening we had a group dinner at another great restaurant on Bar Street. No one seems to know the real name of the street:) After, we went to the Angkor What? pub for buckets. (Buckets of alcohol-with plenty of straws, of course). It got pretty crazy. At about 11PM, a whole slew of children showed up and were kind of staring at all the westerners in the bar. They stand there with babies in slings who are apparently drugged so they can look really pathetic when they beg you for money when you leave. It was a very weird experience. We left about 1:30AM and grabbed a tuk-tuk and the driver knew which hotel we were staying at without us telling him. Too weird. Got home and called home to say Happy Thanks’giving…got to talk to everyone so that was cool.

Today was a fabulous day. Started with breakfast and a stroll to the Butterfly Garden for a drink….then onto lunch….then onto a massage. One hour for $5USD. How awesome is that???? I would’ve gladly paid $50 it was that good. 4 of us had them and it was pretty amusing..we thought we were getting hand massages but it turned out to be hand, arm, neck, back, and head. It was incredible. After that we headed to the Central Market and I bought some more stuff that won’t fit in my bag:) There is something funny to mention. There ar ekids walking all over the place selling books, postcards, etc. Well, they always ask where you are from. If you say Australia, they say “G’day Mate”. If you say the US, they ask “which state” then they tell you the capital. Well, today we decided to say “Cambodia”. It just cracked them up. They ask you to say something in Cambodian and of course, I know one word. It was pretty amusing.

We are headed back to Bar Street tonight but I don’t think it will be too late as we leave at 7AM for Bangkok tomorrow.

Cheers for now!


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