BootsnAll Travel Network

Bus journey from Santiago to Salta.

The bus journey from Santiago across the border into Salta, Argentina took a total of 27 hours (24 hours on a bus with a 3 hour stop in Mendoza) and is our longest journey so far and I tought it deserved a special mention because we went first class and got a seat that turned into a bed. Here is a picture of Kelly laying in the chair / bed !!

Remember the mountain bed

The buses over here are fantastic and it whole trip cost us aboue 45 pounds each (I think it would have been cheaper if we had booked it in Argentina due to favourable exchange rates)

Our section of the bus only had 6 or seats and we were travelling with two guys from Texas, one from Mexico and one from Argentina. It was quite an interesting trip as the guy from Mexico had been working for over 20 years to translate the bible from English (I cannot remember into what language) and the guy from Argentina was a paleontologist who had recently discovered a new species of dinosaur in Mendoza and had named it a “Mendozasaurus”. He showed us the scientific paper he had written and it looked pretty impressive (although it was written in Spanish so I couldnt understand much of it).

Basically the journey was cool. Here is a final picture of Kelly just before she devoured the meal we got served on the bus.

I forgot to say that Kelly won a bottle of wine in the raffle they had on the bus. They picked her seat number !!!


Food glorious food. Cold jelly and custard.


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