BootsnAll Travel Network

India in an Instant

The town is Chennai, the state is Tamil Nadu, the language is Tamil, the temperature hot, the food yellow and spicy, the smells strong;
Men wear diaper-like skirts, women flow in bright sarees;
Homely Holy Cows hunt for snacks in the trash;
The napkins feel like plastic; I fear the toilet paper might also;
Laneless, lightless traffic is barely held off from chaos by the constant chatter of horns;
Christmas exists. It presents itself visually in a nativity scene in my hotel that includes a Hindu-looking temple colored with cake icing, two sets of bride/groom dolls, and Santa overseeing the whole party, hanging like a spider from a nearby tower.

Ahhh, it’s nice to be back in India. : ) Just 3 hours from Bangkok, “same same” yet so, so different. Except the moto taxis, the plumbing, the dirt. Tomorrow I begin my volunteering with Unite for Sight, nature unknown. Somehow I’ve once again managed to do things in the odd way; the other new volunteers arrive tomorrow. So, time to wander (but not far) and type (but not much to say yet). 🙂

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