getting out is harder than you think…last day at home
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008Today is my last day at home and I have been running round trying to tie up loose ends, mostly things I should have done ages ago but never got round to it.
I have been finishing up with life at home over the last few weeks and of course, a few interesting events just to make getting ou of this country a bit harder than usual.
First of all, I finished uni last week, hurray, very exciting, almost 4 years of studying so its nice to come out with 2 degrees I can hopefully get a job with eventually. However I almost missed my last exam because I thought it was 2 days later than it really way. So I found out an hour before it started that, no it was not on Thursday it is in fact now, in 2 hours….well on the bright side I could have missed it compleately! So maybe not the greatest final mark to finish off with but at least it is finally all over!
The next fun thing was some guy crashing into my car and being useless about giving my his insurance details despite me practically ringing him every day for a week. My car is now undrivable because it can’t get a warrent with the damage so have had no car for 2 weeks which has been a pain. So now I am taking him to court! Yeah! I filled something withthe disputes tribunal yesterday so my dad will represent me and I will get some money out of him (hopefully!). So the whole thing has just been a massive pain in the neck, but hopefully have left it to be sorted out OK and I will come out with at least oney to cover the damages. Super annoying.
And so now I think I am all ready to head out, leaving tomorrow morning at 10.50am. Have my bags packed (almost) and a hostel booked, so now just need to pack away all my stuff and get ready to go. Feeling a little bit nervous but know I have survived a lot more so I know that I will be OK in the end