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Getting Scammed…

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

Every guide book warns you against scams in India, gives you all the details and I think theres no way I will EVER fall for that I’m way to on-to-it…but well welcome to India where the only way to get things done is some sort of scam.
But lucky for me my first story turns out good.
So to start off with, everything is all good as I meet this cool chick in the airport who’s sitting next to me on the plane. SO after no sleep and terrible movies we touch down early morning in New Delhi and set off together to find a hotel. Now after all the stories Im bracing myself for an onslaught of touts/taxis/beggars etc etc. After everything I’d heard I thought India would be worse than Bolivia, Peru, Zambia, Indonesia, Morrocco put together. But it was surprisingly calm, no touts/beggars and only the taxi we ordered. All good so far. We decide to head to the tourist district of Delhi abundance of guidebook recommended hotels, food places, shops where we can cloth ourselves in the neccesary India hippy outfit…it was all good. APart from apparently we got lost ended up at a tourist office where they helped us find a hotel.
“Is this Pahr Gangi?”
“yes yes yes”
“Really the main road?”
“yes yes yes”
“Well why can’t you find the hotel..its on the main road?”
“where the street number, no we need the block number, its a very big place…”

blah blah blah, anyway Im too tired to care we get into a nice room and I have a sleep. Only later do we discover we are not actually anywhere near Pahr Gangi but in some other area which tourists end up in when there taxis get ‘lost’ and ask for directions!
Great start!
But not to worry as the tourist office turns out to be full of a very cool, fun and mostly genuine guys who take the most excellent care of us. Im stll in Dehli and haven’t hardley been by myself at all. Jeanie the american chick heading off to the mountains the day after we arrived after we got a free car and driver for the day from them. Also I stayed in their free guest house, we went out for dinner and drinks in flasher places than europe…all pated for by them…been constantly entertained by their charming, flirtations and quintessentially India ways. Been cool hanging out the back of their office having Dahl for lunch and drinking endless cups of chai. I am just one of many girls and backpackers who spend more time in that office than actually in Delhi! One of the guys friends came with me today and took me around all these amazing places including this beautiful Ba’hai Lotus temple, pretty much a giant Lotus surrounded by all these gardens. Also an amazing tomb similar to the Tajh Mahal and then he took me through the back streets to this Mosque when he went to pray and I just kind of hung out watching which was amazing. Just people everywhere, men singing and playing drums, handing out food to beggars, women and kids coming and sharing their sweets with me…it was one of those amazing moments which I wish I could get on film but not right to take photos so will have to stay in my memory.

So i have been well looked after! almost too well as haven’t done anything by myself in 3 days! Tomorrow am heading off to travel a bit (catching a free lift with some english guys who hired a car from the tourist guys). So should be facing a few more challenges. But Delhi has been good, lifethreating rickshaw rides, so much to buy, already adopting my hippy India travellers clothes, amazing food amd amazingly friendly people. and its really not as bad as I thought It would be, I think Morrocco still holds the record as ‘the country where you get harrassed the most’
will see how many more scams I fall for though!

I’m in India

Monday, November 6th, 2006

very quick post to say I arrived in India all safe and sound so far!
more exciting info to come and about to upload photos form eastern europe so check those out!

theres something in the air. Amsterdam to London

Monday, November 6th, 2006
Amsterdam, the city of sin where all your drug and sex related dreams come true legally. Jess, my lovely English friend who I worked with in London flew in for 3 nights to meet me which was great. By the time ... [Continue reading this entry]

the worst journey ever

Monday, November 6th, 2006
So first I checked the train timetables on the internet leave at 7pm arrive at 9.30am. SO get there at 6pl but find out that it doesn’t leave until 10pm. A bit annoyed because could have gone out for tea ... [Continue reading this entry]

Living in a fairy tale

Monday, November 6th, 2006
Thanks to the train system giving me a whole 3 minutes to switch trains and the first train being 30 mins late I was forced to spend a few hours in a strange little town called Cesky Buda…..something. Thinking I ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, November 6th, 2006
Prague was one of those places I’d been looking forward to, I guess I’d just heard so much cool stuff about it, I’d also heard how the place was over run with tourists and sometimes seems a bit commercial and ... [Continue reading this entry]

salt anyone?

Thursday, November 2nd, 2006
So I find myself yet again surrounded by an inordinate amount of salt. The first time being the salt flats in Bolivia now this time 100's of meters underground in salt mines just outside of Krakow. Myself, Laura (american chick), ... [Continue reading this entry]

Lets get depressed

Wednesday, November 1st, 2006
Its kind of weird asking people if Aushwitz was good, its like well yeah its worth going to but good? How can a death camp be good, and so why do we all go out there for a day trip? ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, October 27th, 2006
OK so it seems Im getting prtty useless at this blog thing...havnt been updating it for over a week now...I knw Im slack but on the up side it means Im having far too good a time to waste it ... [Continue reading this entry]

behind the iron curtain

Sunday, October 22nd, 2006
For some reason I had this idea that once I got to Eastern Europe everything would be better, because i was feeling a bit over Europe and just wanted to get into India, but actually Ive had a great week ... [Continue reading this entry]