BootsnAll Travel Network

Traudel in Ibiza

May 27th, 2006

It took me a couple of days to post this but, here we go…

Traudel, the spanish girl that worked with me in Germany at the Botany institut, came last weekend to visit me. She arrived on the Thursday and stayed until last Tuesday. It was nice to see her again, although we had meet a couple of times in Barcelona.

I had to work during the day, so what we did was that she would drive me to work, and then she would take Valeria (my moped) with her, so she was able to move around the island and the beaches.

Then after work, we went to Ibiza town, drank a few beers and ate something. We also went to the cinema (Davinci Code) on Saturday. Then on Sunday we spend the day at the beach, Punta Galera and Cala Salada, and driving around the island. We ate in Santa Gertrudis, and then in the evening we went to Santa Eulalia.

I showed her Es Vedra, of course (my favorite place), and took some cool pictures from the scooter… Read the rest of this entry »

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Colombia on video

May 26th, 2006

I got chills when I saw this video. I just got it but had to share it immediately.

It made me happy, nostalgic, sad and in love.
Yes I am colombian!

Video AQUI!


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Almost two months now…

May 14th, 2006

Good day people! I´m amazed how fast time can pass. It´s being almost two month (16th of march) since I arrived in Ibiza, and though I´ve done a lot, it seems like just a couple of days ago, when I was getting the boat to come here.

Life is still good around here, the weather has changed for good and the summer can be felt more every day. Specially this last few days we´ve had some very nice weather with clear sky and at least 25 C degrees. I´m already taned!! At least that´s a good thing about working as a builder 🙂

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Random pictures

May 2nd, 2006

Someone asked me if I wasn´t gonna show some “nice” pictures on my blog. I was waiting to go back to Colombia to show my “nice” pictures, but then I thought, some of you don´t live in Colombia and would miss the show :(, so here´s a sample of some pictures I´ve been taking since I arrived in Ibiza



p.s. Click link below for pics 😉 

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Valeria y yo

April 29th, 2006

Hello you all! It´s Saturday!!! I have a really good news! I finally bought my Moto-Moped 🙂 it´s a Piaggio NGR, Scooter type and it´s called Valeria. Finally thanks God I really needed a vehicle, cause here in Ibiza nthere´s almost no buses and I was tired of depending on my aunt. So now I´m FREE! The color is silver with green but it´s not really in very good conditions, but I will buy some sprays and painting ist angesagt. I was washing it today with a full presion water hose, and the painting start falling off 😕 luckily I noticed at once and stoped. But the best part of the story is the price! I thought I´d have to pay around 500€ for one, cause that´s what they normaly cost, but I made “friends” with a mechanic and he offered me this one, which was from a friend of him. He gave me 6 month warranty and charged me 200€ 🙂 jajajaja 300€ less!!!! Yes! and with that money I bought the insurance.

Eveything else is going smoothly well. I´ll have next Monday free, due labors day, and I´m hoping for good weather so I can go to the beach…

bis bald


Valeria y yo

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Pre-travel Budgeting

April 23rd, 2006

Hola hola! As many of you know I want to travel. I´ve been working and trying to safe enough money to do it since last August, uff you say that fast but…, so I thought I would share some of my plans and hopes with you all. 

My initial plan was to start travelling last October, after working in Ibiza, but the money I got wasn´t anything with what I really need. So I decided to stay in Spain and work for a year more. Read the rest of this entry »

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As someone said: “This deserves a post”

April 19th, 2006

My family and I went to Santa Gertrudis last sunday to eat paella. Santa Gertrudis is a little town in Ibiza, the island is full of tiny towns, 20 minutes driving from Ibiza town. It´s very popular on the island for having very good and typical restaurants, and of course the one we went is The one for paella. In fact, there weren´t any tables around us, who didn´t have it, yummy… Read the rest of this entry »

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“Holy” week

April 15th, 2006

It was Holy Friday, and my aunt told me, there was a catholic procession that night, and that it´s supposed to be really nice. It starts on top of the mountain, where “Dalt Vila”, the old city, is, goes thru the old streets and squares of it and finishs at the harbour.     So, I went.

I don´t know if any of you has been on a procession of this type, it was my first time, and although I had seen images of them on TV, I was a little bit shocked.  Read the rest of this entry »

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Bob the builder =)

April 10th, 2006

Hola chicos y chicas!
I hope you liked the videos I posted, I thought they where brilliant!
Life´s going pretty smooth here in Ibiza, I don´t do really very much, besides being Bob the builder or Mr. Ruso. We´ve moved to Cova Santa since last week, so I´ve being working on the field for a couple of days now. It´s very quiet and peaceful, ´till you turn on the jackhammer, or someone starts preparing concrete in the mixer. Actually I´m now a bricklayer assistant (ayudante de albañil), yeah yeah yeah!!! Now that´s what I call having a position in the building site! Read the rest of this entry »

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Travel inspiration

April 1st, 2006

I was just surfing thru BootsnAll , probably my favorite site on the internet by far, and I found these three videos.

If you have some time have a look, they are all diferent but well worth of looking at



Would You?

Never be Complete

Where the HELL is Matt?

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