Some none and some very important news
March 28th, 2006So, a week and a half in Ibiza already. It seemed very fast although I’ve been doing a lot of working.
As I told you on my last post, I’m working doing some building in the two restaurants. I have my overall, dirty shoes from earth, a hat, leather gloves and several tools. I’m indeed a real builder!! And believe me a feel like it, especially because my whole body hurts, my hands have blisters, my muscles are sore and I have already a tan by working a whole week under the Mediterranean sun. I had to demolish a very long plants pot, made of cement and stone. It was hard but a bit funny too, `cause I had in my power an electric hammer, jackhammer (?), and hitting a wall with that can indeed be fun 🙂! Of course the not so funny part is when you have to take all the rubbish, from the demolishing, with a shovel (pala) and put it in a wheelbarrow (carretilla), but anyway…
Today, for a change, I had to fill almost a whole garden with earth, yes shovel and wheelbarrow again, and not destroy it. My back’s kaputt :|, but I came here to work and if that’s the work for now, well let it be.
Now an important subject. As many of you know, my papers are being made. Well I got a call last Friday from the lawyer who’s working on them, saying that is I wanted to have papers in Spain I had to go to Colombia, and do the process from there. He saw all the documents and said everything was perfect, but that I was in Spain. The process goes as following: being on your home country, the company interested on you sends a couple of documents to the government asking for you. It’s not always accepted, because they can say: you are asking for a Colombian waiter, when we have 5000 Spanish ones for you to choose. So what they normally do is ask for you pretending you are essential or ask for you not as a waiter or a popular profession, but as something there’s not in Spain or very few. It takes between a month or two, to have an answer from the Spanish government.
I had a reservation for a plane tomorrow to Colombia, in order to do all the above mention process, but I declined the offer. Why? Because it’s not 100% sure that I’m gonna get the permit, and even if I do I don’t know how long it’s gonna take. It can be a month or three, and if it the latest, I’ll miss the season and with it the opportunity of saving the money for my journey and all my plans till August 2007 crumble.
I didn’t come to this decision very easily, in fact it took me several night of bad sleeping and stress, but thanks to my mom who talked with a few people in Colombia, and to myself asking here, I did. I haven’t talked to my boss, he’s not in the island right now, and he hasn’t call me. This has a huge importance because he has to decide if he either lets me continuing working for him or not. If the answer’s the first, well no problem everything continues as planed, but if it’s the latest, things get a little more roughly and I have to start all over again.
It will be what it has to be, and let it be. I’m still holding on here with my head up and ready to do what ever it takes to make my dream come truth.
My family and Aoife are behind me, and that makes me more confidence and strong.
So, that’s the story by now, as I said I’m ok and with good mood, I’ll let you know of any event that happens. Cross your fingers for me ;).
Now some more cheerful pictures, enjoy!
These are from work, with the jackhammer, Riky, Sebas and Julius (all of us with our “uniform”)
and this is one of Ibiza´s harbour taken at sunset