BootsnAll Travel Network

A little bit about myself…

December 4th, 2005

I think I´m just a normal guy, who dreams about travelling around the world, and experience the magic of seeing and learning new things that inspire me to be a better person every day. I was born in Bogotá, Colombia, on the 24th of may 1983. I´ve been studying Biology for the last years and love plants. I enjoy taking pictures to beautiful skies and lovely sunsets or sunrises. Currently I´m in Barcelona, Spain, working as a waiter, to get the money for my dreamed journey. Only time will say how everything will evolve, but I can´t wait to start hitting the road.

I always have my family and friends in my heart, and I wish I can share with them all the experiences I´ve had very soon.
I´m planning on going back to Colombia in August 2007 

Siempre pa´lante,

Lebt wohl, live happy , vive feliz

“… la experiencia ajena es ciencia ficción”



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THE camera

December 4th, 2005

Holaaa I just wanted to tell you that I bought my camera yesterday and that I´m very very happy =)
It´s the Canon EOS 350D , with a 1GB memory card, a 18-55mm lens and a 90-300mm lens as well!! 2 betteries, thank God no more worries about those bloody AA, that I had to charge EVERY day , but still always ran out in the worst moment, when I wanted to take a picture =/… I also bought a bag (Lowepro is the brand) looks like a normal school bag until you open it and all the magic comes out!
Well I had to tell you and I hope to show you some of the pictures soon,



p.s. my lovely Olympus and Zubehör are gona be sold on Ebay,
cheers =)

My camera!!!! =)

My camera!!!! =)

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Would you like to see some pictures?? =)

December 1st, 2005

Hola hola mis amigos!! As I promised endlich I´ll post some pictures here on the blog, so you can see me and my friends in some actual pictures.
Life is going smooth and easy, work and friends are going perfectly, the only thing is that the actual maitre (head chef from waiters and almost director from the restaurant) is leaving us today after this night´s service. It´s really a pity ´cause he is really nice and is our friend. He used to live right in front of us and party with us eery weekend, so it´s gonna be a big loss for us =( , but well so is das Leben… I think no one is coming to replace him so we´ll be working a bit more from now on.

Weather still alright, just 10 C degrees and the wind is not so strong as it was before.
I´ve decided to buy me a new camera, the one I´ve always wanted, now that I see that I´ll be here in Barcelona for at least until the end of February and I have more time to safe money for my trip, The trip, lol , so it´s fine.

I´ll maybe be dancing salsa from Guayacan Orquesta next Friday, ´cause there´s a concert in a club called Bahia, I have to wait to see if an ecuatorian friend gets some tickets, I hope for free…

Ok more pictures and less words , hope to hear from you soon, and hoping everything läuft alright!

Viele liebe Grüsse und Küsse


Mis amigo Fede, Sebas y Riky

Mis amigos Fede, Sebas y Riky
(Fede is a friend of Sebas from Argentina, they know each other since they were kids, he lives here as well, very nice guy with a sweetheart little 3 years ald daughter called Lara)

Party on!!

Atlantic Club, all the Gin & Tonic you can drink =)


BBQing (Barbacoando?? jajaja!!) We have a nice terrace where if there´s a sunny Sunday, there´ll be a BBQ. And of course a Sombrero Vueltiado has to be used during those difficult procedures…

My little house

My little house

And it´s view...

And it´s view…

Atlantic kitchen´s staff

Xavi, Jose and Paco, Atlantic kitchen´s staff

Riky, Ruth (Barwoman), Jesi (Colombian) and me

Riky, Ruth (Barwoman), Jesi (Colombian) and me, before the service

Riky and me

Riky and me after strolling around Barcelona for a least three hours

Plaça Espanya

Plaça Espanya

The beauty of the city

The beauty of the city

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Hola my friends =)

November 22nd, 2005

Hola amigos!! I´m SO happy that so many people left a comment on my blog, belive me I keep you al in my heart and soul. Thank you really it means a lot to me to know that so many people take care of me and think of me. GRACIAS.

Barcelona still GREAT! WOW let me tell you! I´ve had the chance of seeing more of the city, I met Traudel, a spanish friend of me, and we went “strolling around” to a cool photography exposition. Really good one. I´ll meet her again in two weeks, thou she doesn´t lives here in Bcn.
Work is going fine, first days of the week, there´s not very much to do at night time, but there´s always people coming to lunch. There is a menu, “corrientazo” , for 15€ , really good food, and lots of people from offices come to eat.
We´ll be starting with dinners for companies, almost every week, wich is going to be good for the restaurant. It´s always between 40 and 60 people eating, so is good money.

Party is going well as well, although I haven´t seen anything diferent as the club from the restaurant (I know I have to go out to somewhere else, but I don´t live exactely in Downtown, so it means 20 minutes in the metro and coming back in a taxi), but last Saturday we, Sebas and I, met the owner, “the big boss”, there and opposit of being a bad thing, it turned up being the coolest thing that could happend. He started introducing us to every barman or waiter in the club, and telling them that we were his guys of confidence, aaauuuaaaaaa!!!! Told them as well, that we had open bar every time we went there, it was so heavy, that I was at the bar waiting for the barman, and the cheriff told me: ” go inside the bar and get what you want” JAJAJA now you understand why I don´t leave that place, don´t you?? =)

By the things I´ve read on some comments and e-mails, I have to be very greatful with the weather here, it´s getting cold, especially windy, but we still at 13 degrees, I´m only wearing a T-shirt and a Pulli. So, and very sorry to tell you, JA Ja in your face!! =) jajajajajaja.

Next time I promise to upload some pictures, I already ask a friend of me, for his computer.

I´m still more illegal, than the dog from a Gypsy, but trying hard of changing that.
There might be a surprice soon…

Ok my love ones, have to go to work, hope you are all happy and having success in all your plans, lots of good vibes for those in the middle or begining of exams , cheer up , it´ll be over soon!

chao a todos , los quiere
Simon =)

P.S. An old picture but at least in Barcelona!! December 2004

Sagrada Familia, Gaudí´s greatest artwork

Sagrada Familia, Gaudí´s greatest artwork

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November 15th, 2005

Hi there guys! I´ve been already two weeks in Barcelona and this is my first post, sorry but for example I´m sitting now in a cheap, awful internet cafe, hearing I don´t fucking know Hip-Hop…
As you can imagine, not the nicest place to get inspired, but hey it´s just 10 minutes away from home and I had the great idea of buying a six hours account, sweet!!!
Well anyway, I´m fine, work is great, kind of a fancy restaurant, with one of the best views of Barcelona. I´m living in a house with two other guys, really nices ones, one from Argentina and the other from Ibiza, both work with me and we get along really well. Work it´s preaty easy, I work from 11 to 15, and from 20 to 01, have Sundays free and the morning from the Saturday as well.
The house is just 20 meters away from work, wich means that there is nothing in our fridge besides water, that we get from the restaurant as well. I´ve been eating really well, only restaurant food!!!
There is a Gym in the restaurant as well, with a Squash and Basketball court and Sauna. I haven´t been so lassy and I´ve used them a coupple of times.
There´s a Club (20 meters to the other side from the house) wich is from the same owner, oh yes that means free entrance and some free drinks! aauuaa!!
Weather is getting shitier and shitier avery day, it hasn´t stop raining in three days, so yes the winter is comming…
I haven´t ad the chance of seen so much of the city I hope I can see more this weekend.
Well that´s about it, I´ll post some pictures soon, and other post, let me know from you,

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I´m flying!!

November 2nd, 2005

Hi there guys, today at 22:30 I´m flying to Barcelona!!! Yuppieee!!! Man at last, it took a while but I´ll be finally there. I bought the ticket with my money but the restaurant is going to pay for it, or at least that´s what they said. I think I´ll start working tomorrow strait away until the 15th of January. Great thing! I´ll let you knowhow things are going in a coupple of days. I won´t have internet connection so I won´t be able to update the blog so frecuently, but hey there´s an internet cafe around every corner this days.

In other news, jaja, I cut my rasta (rat tail, known by a few). I know it´s nothing important but I wanted to share this special moment with you ,jajaja, other important thing is that I burned my lucky shirt, oh yes I know it´s very sad, so many goos memories with that shirt (so many hole it had as well), it needed a rest.

Ok no more bullshit, some pictures of the rasta business (yes I know I have too much free time) and a warm Adios

So many special moments!!!

jajajajaja, am I dumb or what! Wie gesagt : too much free time and NOTHING to do!

Now a nice picture I took recently

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The other side

October 26th, 2005

Hola, I was thinking that most of you think in crazy, 24/7 party when you hear Ibiza. There´s nothing wrong with that, ´cause almost everybody thinks that and the island was known because of that. I´ll now try to show you the other side of the island, a side full of beauty, quiet little beaches, an lovely scenery…

Let´s star with the beaches. Besides Playa_Den_Bossa.jpg, the biggest and most crowded beache, imagine a Miami´s South Beach or a Santa Marta´s El Rodadero, Ibiza has some really nice beaches that are less visited, also in August. One and my favorite is Punta Galeras. It´s located near San Antonio (20 min from Ibiza Town aprox.) and the way altough well shown, it´s hard to make if you don´t have a car. There´s no sand what so ever, it´s just a cliff, which you have to walk downin order to get to the sea. It is the beach to practice FKK (nudity) for excelence!! Also a wonderful place for scuba diving and snorkeling!

Then without going too far from the city, on the road to Sant Josep there´s is a little “Cala” (Catalan for little bay), wich has no name or simply I don´t know it. It is tiny, only 10 people can fin in there, but Ibiza is full of Calas.

We could also go to Salinas…

Or take a 25 min boat trip to Formentera? May be watch a sunset??

And please don´t skip Cala D´Hort, which besides it´s beauty

has Es Vedra, the huge Rock in the water, which personaly is one of the most amazing places I´ve ever been to.
It doesn´t matter if it´s in the day…

…or at sunset

Ok enough of beaches, what about the old city, Dalt Vila? It´s a very old city, more or less built in the Roman empire. It´s surrounded by high stone walls, which were built in order to protect the city agains the Phoenicians, who were actually the first pirates of the sea.
Inside the walls, the city has narrow stone streets where only pedestrians can access. On the top of the city there´s a nice cathedral. In the night the whole city is illuminated by a nice soft light. There are also plenty of restaurants in this old city where you can have a nice a romantic dinner with someone special.

The streets

The city and harbor

The cathedral

Anyhow, if you are ever thinking of comig to Ibiza, don´t let party get to your head and blind you from all the other great things this Island has to offer you, try going to Santa Eulalia, Santa Gertrudis and all the other little towns in the island, belive me , they are worth it.

P.S. If you have any question don´t doubt in contact me =)

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October 21st, 2005

Pheew, endlich !!! I flyin to Barcelona on the 29th or so (now I know is the 1st of November), I speaked with Riky yesterday, the guy who is going with me, and he told me we are gonna go in those days. I´ll be working there until the 15th of January. Then with a two month wage plus the money I´ve safed, I´ll be taking a train or plane to India! UUUHHHUUUUYYYY!! At last!
I think I´ll have a job offer for the summer here in Ibiza, but I don´t know if I´m gonna accept it or not. In one hand is really good, I work here and have a nice summer again, plus I´ll return to Colombia with some money safed, but on the other hand, I think they want to start on the 1st of March, wich won´t let me too much time for travelling, the thing that I´m really interested in. I don´t know, if I can arrange something like, starting in April or May well then yes. As per ussual, we´ll see. But it´s really a relief to know something about what is gonna happend with you.
Other interesting topic, I´m now officialy Iligal in Europe. It´s not a good thing , and I´ll fix that as soon I get to Barcelona.
Ok buddies, jajaja, this was just to let you guys know, what was going on with my life, I hope you are all fine and happy , as well as your families.
I hope that the next blog will be more exciting, tahn the last ones, but hey life has its slows and fast moments. Na ja,
Tschüss und viele liebe Grüsse und Küsse
P.S. some olddies but goldies

Those nights in my lovely Mainz

Those nights in my lovely Mainz

U2 Konzert Juli 2005

U2 Konzert Juli 2005

Berlin U2 Konzert

Berlin U2 Konzert

Mainz Botanical Institut

Mainz Botanical Institut

Mainz Botanical Institut

Los Seis Santa Marta 2002

Los Seis Santa Marta 2002

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Getting worried

October 13th, 2005

Hola, I´m kinda getting worried here. The guy from the restaurant told me I was gonna go this week, but yesterday I talked to a friend and told me that the owner and another guy have a meeting tomorrow to talk about how much money did they make, and the result is not so good. So I have to wait until next week, to see how the owner reacts and to see if I´m accuatly going to Barcelona or not. I´m stressed out!!! =/
What if I don´t? Good question! I don´t know. Maybe strat travelling? I have enough money safed, to get me through for about six month, wich is not bad at all, but I just don´t know.
Cross your fingers for me, I wish everything works out well, even if I don´t go to Barcelona.
Sometimes what you think is for you, isn´t , and you get what you didn´t expect. Who knows.
The only thing I know is that I want to do something!! After two month of work and movement, three weeks of doing nothing are killing me, it´s getting really boring!! Almost nothing is open here, they all closed already and don´t open until next summer (end of May). Anyway, i´ll let you guys know, how everything works out.
bis bald
love u
Some Hair...

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Some news and pictures, YES pictures at last!!!! =)

September 30th, 2005

hallo Jungs und Medels!!!!! Wie geht´s ?
I´m fine and happy. I´m still in Ibiza, but plannig to leave soon to Barcelona, maybe the first week or so from October.
I have a job offer there and that´s the reason of my travel. I still don´t know where I´m gonna work but it´s with the same owner
from the restaurant where I was working in. He has some things there as well, and I have three options of work: waiter, electrician or worker. I still don´t know, and I´m not the one who decides, I really don´t mind any of the options, but…

Now some actual news. Since the last time I wrote, I´ve had many visits and it´d be a pitty not to talk about them and even more not to show some pictures!! =)
First visitors where La Raba and Morky, two good friends of mine. We know each other since the years of la panela, jaja, they stayed a week and we definively had some fun!!! was a whole week of beach and Bora-Bora as I sayed in the last post, and almost every night we went to diferent night clubs. Just check it out!

Morky and me at the beach with a nice&cold jarr of sangria!!

La Raba and myself after drinking the Jarrssss 😉

jajaja!! lots of fun!!!!

Then the following week came Juliana with Jorge, a friend of hers. The plan was more of a relaxing vacations. That doesn´t mean that we didn´t have any fun. No Sir, we went to nice beaches and some clubs as well, as to Cafe del Mar to see a marvelous sunset. Let the images talk for themselves!
Juli, Jorge and me at Cafe del Mar

Juli, Jorge and me at Cafe del Mar

The magic of Cafe del Mar

The magic of Cafe del Mar

And at last but not least my beautiful Aoifita!!
She stayed for a week as well, but it was one of the most beautiful weeks in Ibiza! We went to the beach, had a fancy dinner and went to Formentera, wich is an island not far from Ibiza, only 25 minutes with the ferry, and has the most beautiful beaches ever. White sand, blue sea and sky. I can´t ask for more. Besides it has some cliffs as well with a lighthouse (Faro, Leuchtturm, Phare) at the end of it, it looks like a postcard, we had the chance to see half a sunset there, we almost missed the ferry, really nice. We rented a scooter so we were rarararararararararararar ( YES!!!! you got it!!! that´s the onomatopoeia from the scooter!!!jajaja!!) from coast to coast from the island. We went to Pacha on night to the closing party of Erik Morillo, really good music!
Now the good part, lets see some pictures!

Aoife & El Sombrero voltiao´

Aoife & El Sombrero voltiao´

The true beauty

The Chacho motorizado

The Chacho motorizado

Me banging Aoife´s head!!

Me banging Aoife´s head!!

My beautiful Guerrillera

My beautiful Guerrillera

A special place and moment

A special place and moment

Well that´s kind of what has happend here since trhe last time. I don´t have to work right now so I´m just having a break and enjoying the island at last. I´m really looking forward of going to Barcelona, what I´ve seen and heard of the city is really good. I´ll keep you informed.

Ok my babys, I´m tired of writing and sure you are tired of reading my bla bla bla, so until the next time!


And to finish with a golden broach some random pictures of my time here in Ibiza, enjoy!

Oscar and Rebeca
Oscar and Rebeca

Me with Es Vedra behind
Me with Es Vedra behind

The Staff from Cova Santa
The Staff from Cova Santa

Amnesia, one of those nights
Amnesia, one of those nights

Alex and me
Alex and me

Morky, La Raba and me after the party
Morky, La Raba and me after the party


At the beach with La Raba, Morky and Rebeca
At the beach with La Raba, Morky and Rebeca

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