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Saturday, September 30th, 2006

Ok, it´s 06:39 from the 30th of September. I haven´t been able to sleep.
I packed my bag, unpacked my bag and repacked it again. I checked everything twice or even three times, so I wouldn´t forget anything. I took pictures of my passport, I wrote down ALL the numbers from my cards in several pieces of paper, I put new music in my MP3 for the boat trip, I mean I´ve done everything, but now I can´t sleep!
Oscar, a friend, is gonna pick me up at 11:00, we´ll have a beer in the harbour, and I´ll be getting on the boat at 12:00. I leave Ibiza at 13:00 and then it´s 8 and a half delicious hours boat trip 😉
Ah feck it! the point is that I´m leaving at last, and tomorrow, bzw. today, I´ll be in another city.
The journey has finally begun.

It´s time to hit the road.



30 days to Ibiza? You better start counting again.

Friday, March 17th, 2006

It has been a long time since my last post, and there are a lot of “news” to tell, so forgive me because this is gonna be a damn long post. Sorry 😕

I´ll do it chronological so it´s easier for you to read, and easier for me not to forget anything.

So, we were by the time Aoife went home again on the 6th of March. Then came a normal week at work, until Wednesday, when Santiago Polo (one of my best friends) rings me and tells me he´s in Madrid. He´s staying only aweek in Spain, most of the time in Murcia (south from Spain). We wanted to see eachother, but he doesn´t have time to come to Barcelona. I only have Sundays off and can´t go to Murcia. Solution: we´ll meet up in Valencia on Sunday, spend the day togheter and i´ll take the first train (06:00) on Monday. Sounds perfect! We´ll see…

Then on Thursday, the director of the restaurant quits and with him the whole team he was arranging to come to Ibiza. Crisis! In the mean time Tim (american friend from Germany) calls me to tell me he´s in Spain as well, he´s been living in Valencia for the last 3 weeks, and he´s coming to Barcelona on Friday with his girlfriend Olivia (Spanish friend form Gremany as well). Friday morning, no one came to the restaurant, only the old head chef and the dishwasher so we had to give a frightful service. Martin, the owner and big boss, decides to close Atlàntic restaurant. Critic? Yes for many people who worked there, for me not so bad, I was only wondering when I was gonna leave to Ibiza.

So no work, on Friday evenning or Saturday. I met up with Olivia and Tim, went to down town for the evenning and had a coupple of drinks. Saturday Tim and I woke up late and kaputt, and then met Olivia who was with some friends in a bar. Had some drinks and went home from one of them to have dinner, beer and to chat for a while. It was a lovely time with them, and it was very nice to see Tim and Olivia again.

So it´s sunday already! 08:00 and the trains starts moving towards Valencia! Three and a half hours later the journey is over. I´m in Hauptbahnhof of Valencia, city I didn´t know for more than a night when I was 16, wich is in Fallas (=Carnival) at the moment. Fallas are really big “sculptures” made of wood , paper etc. wich are done for carnival and are placed around the city for a week and then burned at the end. I had only to wait for an hour for Santiago to come, but Mr. Polo felt the need to stretch his legs in Alicante, and got out of the train, and of course the train left without him :). No big deal, I picked his bag from the train, put it in a locker and waited 3 more hours for him. While waiting I saw the Mascletà, thousands of fireworks with very few colors (it´s at 14:00) but very very loud. It´s made on a square, but I could only make it to one of the adjacent streets `cause it was sooo full.

Met Santi at 16:00, I was very happy to see him indeed, and went down town. It was very hot, 25 C degrees, so we had to stop in some bars to “refresh” ourselves with a beer or two. We did taht almost the whole day, until I called Maria (Spanish friend from Germany) and she took us to a place to drink “Agua de Valencia”, wich is made with champagne, orange juice and other unknown spirits. We went to a nightclub afterwards, danced for a while, and then went to another nichtclub, but this time without Maria. The second nightclub was very bad, there were at the most 10 people including us, and we were the only ones who weren´t junkies, so tschüss from there.

It was already time for me to take the train back to Barcelona, but the tickets were sold out and for the next train as well. Tough luck, ah? Ihad another day with Santi!

06:30 was a good time to go to bed, if we had any! So the ground of a park of a church looked very nice and confortable, for our very much tired bodies. And so it was until 09:30 when we woke up and grabbed something to eat, by then go to the Oceanografo, Sea aquarium, where we spent the day in.

I ended up taking the 15:00 train and arrived in Barcelona, almost dead to see my friend´s faces `cause I didn´t have gone to work.

Sorry this is getting so long, but it has been a busy week.

And the big finale, was on Tuesday when we got a call from the office, saying we had a ticket for Wednesday night´s boat to come to Ibiza.

So wednesday was all runing around trying to pack everything and be prepared to leave. We had to take our bosse´s car with us, a big 4×4 Mercedes-Benz, which was a lucky strike, `cause otherwise, I would have had to pay for excess luggage at least 100€.

I arrived yestareday at 07:30, met the boss at 11:00, went to the both the restaurants I´ll be working in, La Barraca and Cova Santa, and then came very tired to my aunt´s where I´m staying untill June.

Pffff!!!!! Busy!!! That has been my live in the last few days, sorry you had to read too much, but I had to update you guys with “all my news” :).

So conclusion: I´m now in Ibiza until end of September. I´ll be working in La Barraca until end of May, then in Cova Santa.

I´m tired of writing, you are tired of reading, so….



p.s. some pics at last, you are gonna see pictures from the last three or four weeks 😕 ooops! 😉

My mom in Barcelona   07-12/02/2006

mi mama y yo Bcn  IMG_3905.JPG  IMG_3920.JPG  IMG_4076.JPG  IMG_4079.JPG  

Here you see my mom, my two aunts (Maritza, Ibiza, and Leo, Switzerland) and me.

Aoife in Barcelona 25/02/2006 – 05/03/2206

IMG_5220.JPG  IMG_5222.JPG  IMG_5243.JPG  IMG_5307.JPG  IMG_5328.JPG  IMG_5454.JPG  IMG_5456.JPG  IMG_5458.JPG  IMG_5489.JPG  IMG_5546.JPG  IMG_5579.JPG  IMG_5666.JPG  IMG_5682.JPG  IMG_5806.JPG  IMG_5818.JPG

I suppose you know who that is, we are in Park Güel, Atlantic club and Down Town Barcelona. There´s one in Reus with Traudel as well, and by the way, Pizza Hut, Döner Kebap is coming to get you!

Tim and Olivia in Barcelona 10-11/03/2006

IMG_5972.JPG  IMG_5980.JPG  IMG_5982.JPG  IMG_6003.JPG  IMG_6006.JPG  IMG_6122.JPG 

Some very nice people you get to know in life.

Santi and me in “Las Fallas” Valencia !!12-13/03/2006 (So short? It seemed like ages… :))

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 As you can see, we Rules!! jajajaja!!! No really, most of the pictures are on the street, some with Maria, there´s one with Polito on top of a car jumping to get a flag and in the Oceanografo.

And don´t miss in our next very soon show… Simon´s first week in Ibiza as a builder…..

It´s me again!

Monday, March 6th, 2006
Hello everyone! I´m back!! I haven´t post anything lately, ´cause Aoife was here for the last week. She just left today, so I now have the evennigs free (bzw. with nothing to do ;)) Oh we had a lovely time ... [Continue reading this entry]

Mi mama en Barcelona!

Friday, February 17th, 2006
Hello every body! As I sayed in the last post my mom came here to Barcelona for a couple of days! She arrived on the 7th and left on the 12th. I was GREAT! I haven´t seen her since last ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, February 13th, 2006
Castellar_0508.JPGHallo liebe Freunde!! It´s been two weeks since the last post and there are things to be told! Last last (?) weekend, for example, I went to the spanish Pyrenees, like 1,30 ... [Continue reading this entry]

Weekly news

Monday, January 30th, 2006
Hola a todos!! This week is been ok, not so many interesting things , but some very good news. My mom is coming to see me!!!!!!! =) I´m so happy about it! She is coming to Europe to some fairs, but ... [Continue reading this entry]


Sunday, January 15th, 2006
Hello friends, it´s Sunday again!!! Yeah, that means DAY OFF!!!! Although I had yesterday´s morning off as well it´s always nice to have some spear time for myself =). So everything´s going great, I went to the Picasso Museum yesterday, I ... [Continue reading this entry]

2006, you are wellcome !!

Sunday, January 8th, 2006
Hello everybody!! first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all have a good year full of good things. It´s 3rd of January and I´ve had the most wonderful week of all. Aoife arrived on the 27th and from that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Frohe Weihnachten!! (ein bisschen spät??)

Monday, December 26th, 2005
Hola my friends!!! just a few pictures to let you know i´m fine and to wish you a "late" merry christmas and a beautiful new year full of succsess and joy. I´ll write you again in 2006 =)!!! yours Simon [Continue reading this entry]

Like the Gods!!

Saturday, December 10th, 2005
Hi everyone, I have to tell you what just happend!!! As I bought my camera, it came with a promotional sticker saying I would recieve a free 256 Mb memory card, if I register on their site. Well I did, ... [Continue reading this entry]