Hello friends, it´s Sunday again!!! Yeah, that means DAY OFF!!!! Although I had yesterday´s morning off as well it´s always nice to have some spear time for myself =).
So everything´s going great, I went to the Picasso Museum yesterday, I think I was there six years ago when I came to Barcelona for the first time, but still, is amazing. You can see some very good paintings including “Las Meninas”, wich he painted “copying/changing” the one from Velasquez. Really nice, you can´t take a picture, but I did, jijiji.
Then went to “Las Ramblas” and took some more pictures, for a change. That´s a place where there is always something going on, it´s like it has a life of it´s own.
Today I´ll be once again a tourist, with my camera around my neck and my Sombrero Vueltiado. I think I´m gonna go to the “Fundación Miró” and then to the cinema to watch “Harry Potter”.
Aoife bought plane ticket to come here again!! She is arriving on the 25th of February and staying untill the 5th of March. It´s still a month and a half, but I sure it´ll fly very quickly, and she´ll be here soon.
I started a “ayuno” (that´s when you don´t eat anything) just drinking water and a mapple of a canadian tree and tropical plams. I feel very good by now and today is my fifth day of doing it. I´m plannig on doing it for ten days at least. Then after these days, I´ll start eating fruit and cooked vegetables for another week. I really heven´t been THAT hungry. Just the first day and half of the second. But it´s horrible to do it working in a restaurant, ´cause you smell and see all that food, and you just want to try it… But I´m feeling great and I recommend it to everyone, it´s goos to give the body a rest.
Alright chicos , hope you are all fien, best wishes to those Colombian who are going to start college soon and to those who are already studying or at exam time.
Kisses and hugs to everyone
Tags: Barcelona, Convers, Simon, Travel, Uribe
Parece increible, en mi tiempo nunca sucedia nada tan interesante como poder seguir tus pasos hoy en dia estando lejos. Aoife esta muy bonita felicitaciones y que te haga feliz y te comprenda es lo mas importante.
Te mando un besito.
La abuelita Nena
hola simon, hacia rato no me podia meter, muy chevre las fotos, se no ta que la pasaste deli, por aca todo bien, aca nosotros tambien estamos siguiendo una rigurosa dieta de solo ron y vodka, jajaj, siempre es bueno matar todas las bacterias del cuerpo y darle un descanso, jajaj, te mando un abrzote
Sai!! Nos hace falta!! Venga ya!
Acá como dice Santi también estamos a dieta. Que quede claro que somos muy estrictos con ella. Mañana empiezan las clases, me da mamera pero bueno, nada que hacer, lo mas triste será interrumpir la dieta, jajaja. Me alegra que Aoife valla a visitarlo, ojala vengan los dos y nos hagan visita a nosotros. Espero que todo siga como va, bien. Un abrazo
Ok guys!This is a mail REALLY from Greece!
We are frozen here!Es gibt Schneeeeee!Du Simon du…Ich warte auf das Picasso foto!!!!Hier ist alles ok!”Mapple”waaas????
Pass auf dich auf mein Freund!Machs gut!