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Archive for August, 2006

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Se acabo!

Monday, August 28th, 2006

Hiya!! just writing to tell you that the summer is almost over. We close on the 31th, yep thats 4 days from today, then a couple of weeks doing the inventory and CIAO Cova Santa!!!!
I´ll try then to work in another restaurant or maybe Amnesia for the second half of September and the I´m off!
The only thing I don´t like is that every day that goes by is a day less I have with Aoife. Almost 8 months will pass till we meet again in South America 🙁 , but I supose that´s how things have to be for now, She has another year of college and I want to travell. We´ll have to wait to meet again, probably in Peru or Bolivia. Oh well , Machupichu together?? 🙂
Besides that everything is ok here, althought I want to kill every single tourist I see and serve, everything is perfect. Kalliopi, my greek friend from germany, is in Spain backpacking, for a week now, and will come to visit me in September!! I´m very happy to see her again, Malaka 😉

bueno pues, have to go to the beach, I´m even whiter that I was in Germany and I don´t like it.

buena energia y buen rollo!!!

p.s. Could this be it??

Precio por persona (Tasas incluidas) *= 399,48 €
Pasajeros = 1 IDA 02/10/2006
OrigenSalida DestinoPaísLlegada Cia aéreaEscalas
Barcelona (El Prat) 19:00El Cairo (Cairo I… Egipto01:10 (+ 1 día) Egyptair 0

With la crème de la crème

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Hola! sorry for writing so little in the last month, it´s just that I start work at 18:00 and finish at 04:00, and then I wake up at 14:00, watch the Simpsons, and the day is already over…

Live is going well here, I forgot to tell you that about three weeks ago, Aoife, people from work and I, rented a boat, sailing boat, and went after work for a day trip. It was awesome!! The whole day at the sea, drinking beer and swimming, SWEET! I have lots of cool pictures but of course I forgot the memory stick and can´t upload any 🙁
You can really tell that August is the busiest month in Ibiza. The restaurant has been packed every night for the last two weeks, and some celebrities have been seen as well like Puff Daddy, Penelope Cruz, James Blunt, spanish expresident Aznar, spanish football players, Angel Nieto (14 times world champion in motorbikes), President of Andorra including his whole cabinet, and some others… unfortunately not all of them leave much tip.

Ok I have to go to work, only two weeks more, hope to hear from you soon,

p.s. promise I´ll write some emails as well

August already

Tuesday, August 8th, 2006
Hello people! wow! August already!!! time flies!! the end of the seasson is getting closer and with it the beginning of my jourey. But this will also mean the end of things in Spain and to say good bye to ... [Continue reading this entry]