August already
Hello people! wow! August already!!! time flies!! the end of the seasson is getting closer and with it the beginning of my jourey. But this will also mean the end of things in Spain and to say good bye to people I love , and most of all to Aoife.
We are still working in Cova Santa every day almost for the whole day! there is more and more people coming to see the show and to have dinner, and we normally have busy nights.
We moved house to where I had lived last summer, my sisters´ex, ´cuese he left to Argentina today and won´t be back until the 12th of September. That means we are living on our own again! We were very tired of the owner of the previous house that we lived in, so it´s all happiness now.
About the Trip, the beginning is getting closer every day. I try not to think about it, or else I´d get too excited. I was planning to fly to Israel and then move on to Egypt, but now they decided to fight with Libano, so I don´t know what I´ll do. I´ll wait for a month or so , see how everything evolves. If I can´t go to Israel I think I´ll go to Egypt.
I haven´t hear from ANYONE except from Tomi, so bitte meldet euch!!!
Viele liebe Grüsse from the not so sunny at the moment Ibiza!
simon =)
Tags: Travel
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