BootsnAll Travel Network


September 8th, 2005

hi you guys, i´m still in Ibiza, and working in the restaurant too. But now is diferent because we closed last Saturday and I´ve been doing inventory since Monday. Doesn´t sound like fun, but is also good. I´m working at 10:00 now , and until 20:00. The good thing is that I´m the only one from the people who used to work there as weiters that´s still working. I talked to a guy that is really close to the owner and he said that maybe I could get a job here in another place he owns!! That´s really good, maybe I colud stay here for more time and safe more money, we´ll see.

Ohhh I forgot to tell you, like two weeks ago, the girls from la Mega (a radio station in Colombia) came to Ibiza and stayed in my aunt´s house. They were really nice, we went to the beach and clubs and they did some silly interviews to me, so if you were wondering, if I was the dumb one speaking, the answer is yes!
Weather still great, tons of sun!
Aoife, my girlfriend, is trying to find tickets to come here and spend some days here with me, I´d really love that! Now there are two colombian friends from me here, la Raba and his brother, we´ve been having a great time here sinvçce last Monday, almost everyday we go to Bora-Bora, which is a place on the beach with great music, nice sangria and lots of Bikinis!!!!

ok it was just a short hello, I hope you all are having a nice time and are happy =)

P.S. Check this picture out! It´s with the girls from the radio station. I took it from their website , jajaja 😉
Las niñas de La Mega en Ibiza!

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Hello !!

August 26th, 2005

Hello friends, I was reading the blog and the last this I published looks really bad! Well It´s not! I mean I am working very hard and the restaurant is a bit chaotic but everything is going well and as far as I can as plan.
Ibiza still very very hot, 35 degees every day, sun from 7 in the morning until 9.30 in the “afternoon”. I´ve been to some more beaches now, for example “Es Vedra”, that is a huge rock, kind of a mountain, 300 meters!, in the middle of the sea. You don´t go to the rock but is amazing, some people say that it is one of the most magnetic and energetic places in the world, and is where all the hippies back in the sixties, stay to have a mistic time.
Other subject, last Monday I went to Cocoon! A party organized and pitched by Sven Väth. Really good music and great atmosphere! Yesterday was time for Ministry of Sound in Pacha, also really good , incredible place but the atmosphere was not exactly my type, lots and lots of yupies everywhere.

I´m applying for a visa to go to Ireland on Monay, I hope I don´t have any problems.
Ok hope to hear from you soon and i´ll keep you informed,

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It´s getting hard

August 19th, 2005

Hi you all, this is getting harder and harder after time. I´m ok, but work is sometimes exhaustive, and more when your coworkers are sometimes a bit “slow” on getting things done, and you feel that you have to work not only for you but also for a couple more… Anyway it´s just one month more =) , and then it´s time to enjoy and relax.
I just wanted to write something about it, now I´m off.
love you

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Hola from Spain!

August 16th, 2005

Hello my friends! Sorry i haven´t uploaded the blog in a while, but I had a problem with the password and I wasn´t able to login. Thanks a lot to the persons who wrote a comment, thanks for wishing me the best, I have you each and every one of you in my heart!
Now the issue, I´ve been in Ibiza for three weeks now and let me tell you WOW! the island is great, you can find whatever thing you are looking for, from great night life , to beautiful beaches! The weather is also great, very warm and sunny! It´s a pitty that I can´t really enjoy it! I found a job in a restaurant named “Cova Santa”, a very classy place, 168€ per kilo lobster, which has a Live Flamenco show every night, with some gypsys that play very well and a guy , Jose Maya, that dance amazingly!! After two weeks, I still get goosebumps when I see him dance!
But I start work every day at 18:00 to 05:00 aprox, sleep until 16:00 and go to work. Altough some days I wake up earlier and enjoy the day at the beach! Or as last Wednesday taht after work (04:30) we went to Amnesia, a really cool club, to “La Troya”, the biggest gay party in the island. Now don´t get me wrong, my heterosexuality still intact, it´s just that this party is one, if not the, best partys in the summer. The music is great and also the Stimmung! That´s why we stayed until the end at 08:00, and then went to Space, more than one year qualificated as the best club in the world!!!, until 11:30. Ten to the beach, slepp two hours and then to work.
The funny was that every single person who works in the restaurant was at the party, from staff, service, kitchen and boss, you can´t imagine the faces we had that day, Fritos fritolay!!!

I´m not going to earn as much as I tought in the restaurant, so I´m thinking of finding a day job. A girl who works in the kitchen at Cova Santa , works also in a hotel cleaning rooms. I asked her and she told me she was gonna find out , if they needed someone else. I´m gonna be total kapput, but it´s just for the summer, and I´ll earn double, thing that I´ll appriciate later in Asia! We´ll see.

Oscar, the guy whose home I live in, is very very nice, really special and kind, it´s nice to have someone to trust in around. He is going to Argentina next week, or at least that´s what he told me today.

Well I think that´s all my news, quoting someone I love very much =), as you can see I´m fine, working and happy. Let me know from you , write me an email if you have time, that I get very happy when I recive news from my friends. I´ll try to reply. And next time I´ll post some pictures, althougt I haven´t taken so many.

Remember , be happy and enjoy the moment you are living right now

Hugs and Kisses


“…la experiencia ajena es ciencia ficcion.”

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July 24th, 2005

Halli Hallo, mis amigos , my friends, meine Freunde. This is going to be my Blog, in other words Diary, in wich i’ll write things , upload pictures and write adventures of what i’ve been living. You can also write comments , or thoughts, about waht you see and read. also nice messages for me! I think it’s just easyer for me to mantein something updated, than to write email to all of you, or what it’s worse an email with “Hello all” at the beginnig!
I promise that i’ll try to keep it as updated as I can, with nice history and pictures!

You’ll be also wondering, why i’m writing in english. Well after a little thinking, i got to the conclusion that, considering that the people who are going to read this are from different countrys, bzw., different lenguages, english was a good option, so I don’t have to write it in spanish and german aswell. Of course there are gonna be some things that’ll be in spanish/Deutsch, but most of it , it’s gonna be in english. Beside I can practice writing in english (you english native speaker are gonna laugh with some spellings or simon’s-word, if you haven’t done it yet =) )

So, now that we have settle that, I tell you that today is my last day in Germany, tomorrow i’ll be flying at this moment, to Ibiza (Spain). I’m gonna work there for the summer, earn some Euritos €€€€ , and then start traveling around the WORLD, or that is what I want, auf jeden Fall!

I think I wont have to much time in Ibiza , so sorry if you don’t get to many news from me , but remember “no news is good news”, so it’s fine.
Of course you can write me and complain, and i’ll go to the nearest Cafe-Internet and write you with a couple of news.

OK, no more chachara, (jajajaja , blablablabla) hope you like it , and I wish you the best of luck,
good energy!


“…la experiencia ajena es ciencia ficción.”

Goza la nieve!!

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