BootsnAll Travel Network


Halli Hallo, mis amigos , my friends, meine Freunde. This is going to be my Blog, in other words Diary, in wich i’ll write things , upload pictures and write adventures of what i’ve been living. You can also write comments , or thoughts, about waht you see and read. also nice messages for me! I think it’s just easyer for me to mantein something updated, than to write email to all of you, or what it’s worse an email with “Hello all” at the beginnig!
I promise that i’ll try to keep it as updated as I can, with nice history and pictures!

You’ll be also wondering, why i’m writing in english. Well after a little thinking, i got to the conclusion that, considering that the people who are going to read this are from different countrys, bzw., different lenguages, english was a good option, so I don’t have to write it in spanish and german aswell. Of course there are gonna be some things that’ll be in spanish/Deutsch, but most of it , it’s gonna be in english. Beside I can practice writing in english (you english native speaker are gonna laugh with some spellings or simon’s-word, if you haven’t done it yet =) )

So, now that we have settle that, I tell you that today is my last day in Germany, tomorrow i’ll be flying at this moment, to Ibiza (Spain). I’m gonna work there for the summer, earn some Euritos €€€€ , and then start traveling around the WORLD, or that is what I want, auf jeden Fall!

I think I wont have to much time in Ibiza , so sorry if you don’t get to many news from me , but remember “no news is good news”, so it’s fine.
Of course you can write me and complain, and i’ll go to the nearest Cafe-Internet and write you with a couple of news.

OK, no more chachara, (jajajaja , blablablabla) hope you like it , and I wish you the best of luck,
good energy!


“…la experiencia ajena es ciencia ficción.”

Goza la nieve!!


7 responses to “Amazing!”

  1. Aoife Clarke says:

    Mo gra, Simon.
    Only 1 day into your trip and Mainz is already the wost for it:-( I want you to enjoy yourself, be safe and be happy. Im always here for you and you are always in my thoughts and in my dreams. May God fill your path with people to keep you safe, give you a helping hand and most imporantly, make you smile.
    All my love

  2. Daniel Alvarez says:

    Compadre!!!!!!!!le deseo lo nejor de la suerte en todo el paseo, gane mucha plata en Ibiza pa despues pasarla bien bueno y poder sacarle el jugo a todos los sitios que quiere visitar. Cuidese mucho, mas que todo el pipi!!
    Ahi lo estare siguiendo por aca, un abrazo!!!!

  3. Juanita McAllister says:

    Hola Bachato, pues nada, espero que tu viaje este saliendo de maravilla, y que el trabajpo este excelente pa que puedas hacer todo eso que quieres. Acuerdate que siempre por aca pa lo que quieras. Espero que una gran señora te siga inspirando.
    Besos y Abrazos, te quiero.

  4. santi says:

    hola simon, me imgaino que ya estaras en Ibiza entonces poco cross coutry skiing y mucha playa mas bien. tienes que poner mas fotillos. yo ando por aca en MTL unos dias despiendome de todo y aprovechando a pasarla rico.

    pasala bien rico, no te vayas a portar muy bien porque te aburres, pero igual hazle casoa dani alvarez, jaja, y pues te estare esperando en bogota pa tomarnos unas buenas politas y reirnos un buen rato como siempre. te mando un abrazo muy grande
    tu amigote

  5. Daniel Alvarez says:

    tos que gonocuca, como funciona esta mierda. Que tengo que espichar pa saber de usted, usted sabe que yo pa los computadores si soy un tronco. Bueno espero que le este yendo(no se como se escribe, pero depronto le casco)bien.
    un abrazo papaluca

  6. la nena de stama says:

    hola simon eres el mejor guis de excurciones la proxima vez que valla a las europas te llamo pa que seas el guia y me muestres todo lo que sale en las fotos besosª!!!

  7. Wei-sheng says:

    Your English’s fine! Great blog. Am a fan!

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