BootsnAll Travel Network

Hello !!

Hello friends, I was reading the blog and the last this I published looks really bad! Well It´s not! I mean I am working very hard and the restaurant is a bit chaotic but everything is going well and as far as I can as plan.
Ibiza still very very hot, 35 degees every day, sun from 7 in the morning until 9.30 in the “afternoon”. I´ve been to some more beaches now, for example “Es Vedra”, that is a huge rock, kind of a mountain, 300 meters!, in the middle of the sea. You don´t go to the rock but is amazing, some people say that it is one of the most magnetic and energetic places in the world, and is where all the hippies back in the sixties, stay to have a mistic time.
Other subject, last Monday I went to Cocoon! A party organized and pitched by Sven Väth. Really good music and great atmosphere! Yesterday was time for Ministry of Sound in Pacha, also really good , incredible place but the atmosphere was not exactly my type, lots and lots of yupies everywhere.

I´m applying for a visa to go to Ireland on Monay, I hope I don´t have any problems.
Ok hope to hear from you soon and i´ll keep you informed,

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2 responses to “Hello !!”

  1. Pipo says:

    Ole cabezon, ahi le escribi un mail medio de afan, no se le olvide mandarme un telefono donde lo pueda llamar…

  2. Simon Cardona says:

    Símon, bien o no ? Lo noto contento, trabajando duro. Pero bueno, al final se va a dar un paseo pues que mejor dicho, hace que valga la pena cualquier sacrificio. Disfrute y conozca como un berraco.
    Le mando un abrazo muy grande, cuidese mucho y animo papa.

    Simon Cardona

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