A little bit about myself…
I think I´m just a normal guy, who dreams about travelling around the world, and experience the magic of seeing and learning new things that inspire me to be a better person every day. I was born in Bogotá, Colombia, on the 24th of may 1983. I´ve been studying Biology for the last years and love plants. I enjoy taking pictures to beautiful skies and lovely sunsets or sunrises. Currently I´m in Barcelona, Spain, working as a waiter, to get the money for my dreamed journey. Only time will say how everything will evolve, but I can´t wait to start hitting the road.
I always have my family and friends in my heart, and I wish I can share with them all the experiences I´ve had very soon.
I´m planning on going back to Colombia in August 2007
Siempre pa´lante,
Lebt wohl, live happy , vive feliz
“… la experiencia ajena es ciencia ficción”
Tags: about me, About me, my life
Hi Simon,
I came across your blog and enjoyed reading quite much especially the surviving the trip to Bangkok. Very exciting story. I’m currently doing a little project about videos in Bangkok. The idea started from our simple belief that we can fully enjoy Bangkok through videos.
And would like to ask if you can list the link to my website in your blog (if you find it useful for your readers). You’re welcome to visit our website – it’s http://www.bangkokbeat.com
Thank you very much and have a good day.