BootsnAll Travel Network

Se acabo!

August 28th, 2006

Hiya!! just writing to tell you that the summer is almost over. We close on the 31th, yep thats 4 days from today, then a couple of weeks doing the inventory and CIAO Cova Santa!!!!
I´ll try then to work in another restaurant or maybe Amnesia for the second half of September and the I´m off!
The only thing I don´t like is that every day that goes by is a day less I have with Aoife. Almost 8 months will pass till we meet again in South America 🙁 , but I supose that´s how things have to be for now, She has another year of college and I want to travell. We´ll have to wait to meet again, probably in Peru or Bolivia. Oh well , Machupichu together?? 🙂
Besides that everything is ok here, althought I want to kill every single tourist I see and serve, everything is perfect. Kalliopi, my greek friend from germany, is in Spain backpacking, for a week now, and will come to visit me in September!! I´m very happy to see her again, Malaka 😉

bueno pues, have to go to the beach, I´m even whiter that I was in Germany and I don´t like it.

buena energia y buen rollo!!!

p.s. Could this be it??

Precio por persona (Tasas incluidas) *= 399,48 €
Pasajeros = 1 IDA 02/10/2006
OrigenSalida DestinoPaísLlegada Cia aéreaEscalas
Barcelona (El Prat) 19:00El Cairo (Cairo I… Egipto01:10 (+ 1 día) Egyptair 0

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With la crème de la crème

August 15th, 2006

Hola! sorry for writing so little in the last month, it´s just that I start work at 18:00 and finish at 04:00, and then I wake up at 14:00, watch the Simpsons, and the day is already over…

Live is going well here, I forgot to tell you that about three weeks ago, Aoife, people from work and I, rented a boat, sailing boat, and went after work for a day trip. It was awesome!! The whole day at the sea, drinking beer and swimming, SWEET! I have lots of cool pictures but of course I forgot the memory stick and can´t upload any 🙁
You can really tell that August is the busiest month in Ibiza. The restaurant has been packed every night for the last two weeks, and some celebrities have been seen as well like Puff Daddy, Penelope Cruz, James Blunt, spanish expresident Aznar, spanish football players, Angel Nieto (14 times world champion in motorbikes), President of Andorra including his whole cabinet, and some others… unfortunately not all of them leave much tip.

Ok I have to go to work, only two weeks more, hope to hear from you soon,

p.s. promise I´ll write some emails as well


August already

August 8th, 2006

Hello people! wow! August already!!! time flies!! the end of the seasson is getting closer and with it the beginning of my jourey. But this will also mean the end of things in Spain and to say good bye to people I love , and most of all to Aoife.
Read the rest of this entry »


Cova Santa

July 13th, 2006

Hola chicos! it´s now been five days since we open the restaurant but it seams like ages… work is going good, not so many customers as we thought we would had, but is going better and better. I don´t know if I´ve told you, but there´s a Flamenco and Magic show every night during dinner. Both are very good, but the magician is very young (21), and therefore he makes some mistakes sometimes during the show, but still very impressive. The flamenco part is awesome! Much better than last year, because now there are four people dancing, two women and two men, one of them is Rafael Amargo probably one of the most important dancer in the flamenco world, and the other one who danced last year as well, is Jose Maya also avery known flamenco dancer. Read the rest of this entry »

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No es mucha cosa….

July 6th, 2006

If you haven´t been to Ibiza yet, don´t worry you are really not missing THAT much! Really????

jajajajajajajajajaja 🙂


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Ciao Bob the builder! Hola SAI the waiter

July 1st, 2006

Well yes, the building is finished, AT LAST!!!!!! it was fun but it was about time for that phase to end. During the past three and a half months I shoveled, jackhammered, built, unbuilt, painted, saw, carried (oh yeah a lot of that indeed!), mixed cement and cut things from 09:00 to 19:00 and now it´s over. I learned a whole bunch of new things that I wouldn´t have learned otherwise and for that I´m grateful, and I have to admit that I had a great deal of fun doing them, but it was time…   Read the rest of this entry »

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Stressful times

June 24th, 2006

Hola a todos, sorry for being away for so long. I don´t have internet acces at home and going to an internet cafe is a pain in the bum.

As the title says, yes I´m stressed. The restaurant is gonna open next Tuesday and there´s still a lot to do. I´ve been working 7 days a week from 9:00 to 19:00 for the last three week and I´m dead! I bought a vitamin complex to help my body and all. Besides all the work that I´ve been doing, I have the responsability of being in charge of the personel, and let me tell you, being a boss is very hard. I was gonna be the Maitre in the restaurant as well, but after a test in another restaurant and a blody waiter I´m not. This of course bothers me, because it was a challege for me and also because Riky had giving me the opportunity and the trust to do it and I didn´t wanted ti let him down, but the big boss said I was not prepared and that 23 years are to few to be a Maitre. So now I´m in charge of personel. I´m ok, it´s less responsability but still earning the same.

At home everything is perfect, I couldn´t be happier, and Aoife is an amazing support and person to have right now. I love her.

I´ll try to post some pics soon enough and also to update the blog more often.

best wishes for you all und lass es gut gehen 🙂


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Aoife is here!

June 6th, 2006

Hi, I don´t have much time now, but I still want to tell that everything is perfect!

The life with Aoife is as it always was in Germany, almost no troubles ;), work still exhausting, Aoife has a sore arm from painting and my back is killing me, but we´re still here. Our appartment is nice, our room is not the largest but still ok, and our housemates are very friendly.

I´ll post something longer, next time promise 🙂

Hugs and kisses from

Aoifita y Simon

p.s. Valeria is fine

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Change of life, Ibiza part II

May 30th, 2006

Hi, Aoife arrives tomorrow and I´m very happy for that. Now the second part of my life in Ibiza begins.

Tomorrow I leave my aunts house, pick up Aoife at the airport and move in to the new place. Then on the 8th of June, the club from Cova Santa opens, and I´ll start working at night time again, although also during the day because the restaurant isn´t finished yet, so that means very long day of work and very few hours of sleep, Thats just until the 27th or so though, then the restaurant opens and I´ll be working only during the night (18:00-06:00).

That´s gonna be my life until the beginnig of September. Only to think about it makes me a bit tired, it sounds SO long and so far away… but I know I´ll be finished in no time and then if evrything works as planed I´ll be free.

Just some thoughts I wanted to share with you all. I hope you are all fine and so your families.

Good vibes


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Finally, I got my fisheye!!!

May 27th, 2006

Hi, oh by the way I posted three (yes 3) post today so scroll down and don´t miss the others.

This is gonna be a short one. I´ve always wanted a fisheye lens for my camera, and I´ve been looking for it for a while now. So I decided to finally buy it for myself as a present for my 23rd birthday.

So I did :)!!!!! It´s a Peleng 3,5/8mm fisheye, if you are ever interested…

I´m very happy, and although I know it´s a lens that I´m not gonna use every day, I´ll try to use it often.

I just wanted to share it with you all.

These are the first pictures taken with it… Read the rest of this entry »

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