Se acabo!
August 28th, 2006Hiya!! just writing to tell you that the summer is almost over. We close on the 31th, yep thats 4 days from today, then a couple of weeks doing the inventory and CIAO Cova Santa!!!!
I´ll try then to work in another restaurant or maybe Amnesia for the second half of September and the I´m off!
The only thing I don´t like is that every day that goes by is a day less I have with Aoife. Almost 8 months will pass till we meet again in South America 🙁 , but I supose that´s how things have to be for now, She has another year of college and I want to travell. We´ll have to wait to meet again, probably in Peru or Bolivia. Oh well , Machupichu together?? 🙂
Besides that everything is ok here, althought I want to kill every single tourist I see and serve, everything is perfect. Kalliopi, my greek friend from germany, is in Spain backpacking, for a week now, and will come to visit me in September!! I´m very happy to see her again, Malaka 😉
bueno pues, have to go to the beach, I´m even whiter that I was in Germany and I don´t like it.
buena energia y buen rollo!!!
p.s. Could this be it??
Precio por persona (Tasas incluidas) *= 399,48 €
Pasajeros = 1 IDA 02/10/2006
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