BootsnAll Travel Network


October 13th, 2006

Hola a todos!
Just some lines to tell you I’m back in Israel, safe and sound! I’m now in Haifa, wich is a city in the north of Israel! I was gonna go yesterday to Egypt, but I checked my email, and I had one from Amir, a friend I had met in Prague last year. He told me come and visit, so I did! Read the rest of this entry »

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Hebron, Palestine

October 12th, 2006

Hey everyone! I’m just back from Hebron. This city is located in the Palestine territories, and let me tell you, you can tell the difference! Everyone was very friendly, I stayed in Rami’s house, a friend from Germany, and all his family recieved me like a guest of honour. I’m very thankful. This is the very first arab city I visit, and I was amazed. The little streets full of shops and markets, all the food there on the street, the smells and the colors of the things! Great! Read the rest of this entry »

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En Gedi and Massada!!!

October 10th, 2006

Shalom everyone!

So I’m back in Jerusalem, after spending two days in the Dead Sea region. I went to En Gedi the night before yesterday and I stayed in a hostel belonging to the Iraelian Youth Hostel Association, wich means nice but 21.50 US $!! in Israel!!!!! wow, having that behind me, I entered the Natural Park of En Gedi the next morning, and I spend the whole day hikking thru this rocky canyon, that lead me to this beautiful waterfealls in the end! It was beautiful. It was worth the 6 hours hiking. Then to finish the day I went to have a swin in the Dead Sea, wich is probably the coolest thing I’ve been into! It’s SOOOO salty, jajajaja! Read the rest of this entry »

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October 8th, 2006

Hey everyone! So? I’m in Jerusalem!! The holiest city for Jews and Christians and the third for Muslams! I can only say: amazing! Jerusalem, the old city I mean, is a city that really is four cities. Ah??? Well yes it’s divided into 4 quarters, the Jew, the Muslam, the Christian and the Armenian. All this in less than a square mile! Read the rest of this entry »

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October 6th, 2006

Shalom!!! (Hi! but really meaning peace in Hebrew)

Well as you can see, I MADE IT!! I’ve been in Tel Aviv for the last 4 days and I love it 🙂
Tel Aviv is an amazing city, besides the Mediterranean, with a very nice weather and very friendly people. The city is kinda divided in two, Tel Aviv and Jaffa (Yafo in Hebrew). I’m staying in a hostel in Jaffa, called the Old Jaffa Hostel and it’s pretty cool. I had booked for a bed in a room, but when I came to the hostel I met a german girl, Layla, and told me I could sleep on the roof for 5 Shekel less! (about 1 euro ;)). and so I did! Read the rest of this entry »

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September 30th, 2006

Ok, it´s 06:39 from the 30th of September. I haven´t been able to sleep.
I packed my bag, unpacked my bag and repacked it again. I checked everything twice or even three times, so I wouldn´t forget anything. I took pictures of my passport, I wrote down ALL the numbers from my cards in several pieces of paper, I put new music in my MP3 for the boat trip, I mean I´ve done everything, but now I can´t sleep!
Oscar, a friend, is gonna pick me up at 11:00, we´ll have a beer in the harbour, and I´ll be getting on the boat at 12:00. I leave Ibiza at 13:00 and then it´s 8 and a half delicious hours boat trip 😉
Ah feck it! the point is that I´m leaving at last, and tomorrow, bzw. today, I´ll be in another city.
The journey has finally begun.

It´s time to hit the road.



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Why, When and Where?

September 23rd, 2006

G´day people!! I thought I should explained what I´m doing or better what I´m gonna do for the next 10 months.
Ok, first of all I´m Simon, I´m 23 and I come from Colombia.
I´ve being working in Spain for the last 13 month in order to earn the money for my trip.


´Cause I love to travell, I love new experinces and I had thought of travelling around the world for the last 5 years.


My trip will start on the 30th of September 2006.


On the 30th I´ll take the ferry at 13:00 from Ibiza and will arrive in Barcelona at 21:30. I´ll then stay in Barcelona for two nights and on the 3rd of October at 03:00 I´ll take a flight to Tel Aviv, Israel.
Then after that the route is uncertain. There are some places I would like to go and see, but almost everything will be decided on the road. In Israel I think I´ll stay in Tel Aviv for a couple of days, I´ll go to Jerusalem, Masada, and the Dead Sea.
I got in contact with a guy from Israel that Aoife and I met in Prague on May 2005, and we´ll probably meet. I also have a friend from Palestine, who used to work with me in Germany, and I might visit him as well.
Then I want to go to Egypt! Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, The Valley of the Kings, the Pyramids, the Nile!! Some diving in the Red Sea? YEAH!!! 🙂
After Egypt I don´t have a clue. I want to fly to India and from then on, all or almost everything by land. Of course there will be places where I can´t enter (e.g. Kingdom of Butan) or some that are very difficult, so I´ll fly or try to get around them. I would like to make it to the Philippines, “having” then to cross almost all Asia (Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hong Kong and China jajaja ;))
Then comes the flying part. I would like to fly to Australia and New Zealand. I´ll probably stay only the necesary or just a very short time, because of the high prices, and then I´ll fly again to Chile.
Once in South America, I´ll go to Chile, Argentina (probably stay some time there with my sister and godson =) ), Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and then at last but not least my beloved Colombia, that I´ll try to have with/on me in form of a hat (Sombrero Vueltiado) for the whole trip.

This is my journey, this will be me for the next 10 month, un sombrero a camera and a bag, this is me making my dream come true.

Now you know what I´ve being doing for the last years, now you know what I´ll do for the next one.
The journey ends in Colombia in August 2007,
then, is time to get back to college, glups!


Copia de Castellar_0508.jpg

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Piero Scazziotta

September 15th, 2006

Hi everyone!! This took me two weeks to post but, I´m finally doing it.
I would like to introduce you to my godson Piero Scazziotta!!!! 🙂
My sister Lala, had him in Buenos Aires last 29th of August. I´ll see them both in March or April from next year, if everything goes as planed.
Until then, Read the rest of this entry »

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The first stone is set

September 6th, 2006

Now I can say that my journey is real.
Today I bought my flight ticket to Israel. I leave on the 3rd of October at 01:15.
I found a very cheap charter that will take me there for half of the price I had thought.
I´m SO happy.
Th trip is a reallity now, in less than a month I´ll be in a new country, without being able to understand a word of what other people are saying!!!! AAUUUAAA!!!!!!

The butterflies in my stomach don´t stop now

Simon =)


[Two comments of Javier Ramirez, were lost, sorry]

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The time has come

September 2nd, 2006

Hola a todos, finally is over! I got paid yesterday and I´m no longer a waiter.
I´ll continue working in September, doing inventory and putting everything away, and maybe doing extras in La Barraca or Amnesia. But now and finally the time has come to start thinking about the trip. Where to go first? How to get there? When??

[The rest of the post was lost, sorry]

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