Almost two months now…
Good day people! I´m amazed how fast time can pass. It´s being almost two month (16th of march) since I arrived in Ibiza, and though I´ve done a lot, it seems like just a couple of days ago, when I was getting the boat to come here.
Life is still good around here, the weather has changed for good and the summer can be felt more every day. Specially this last few days we´ve had some very nice weather with clear sky and at least 25 C degrees. I´m already taned!! At least that´s a good thing about working as a builder 🙂
Work is getting easier as well, most of the construction has been made, and now come the painting days. Although the last three days were the hardest days at work! We had to carry wheelbarrows full of sand from the lowest point of the restaurant to the highest, thru a very steep slope! Then after a half day of doing that, we had to build a wall in a record time, cause they didn´t had the permit. It took us, six of us, two days to build a 15 meters long x 2,5 meters high stone wall. Exhausting!!! But yep we did it.
The island is getting fuller and fuller as time passes, tourist are now everywhere and almost every business there is, is open. This weekend was the “Medieval festival” in the old city from Ibiza. There were little stands besides the streets all the way to the top of the city, selling things like: artisan chocolate, bread, jewelry, wood objects, food (meet, octopus, filled potato, crepes…), medicinal herbs etc. But the nice thing about it was that all the people were dressed in a medieval way. There was an arab zone (Spain was ruled by arabs for almost 1000 years) where you could buy arab food, drawings, lamps or just get your name written on arab. There were also performers everywhere dressed up like fairys and monsters or musicians playing some very nice music. And at the end of the night there was a great show of people dancing and acting, but they were hanging from the top of the castle´s walls, so it was like they were flying. Brilliant!
Ok guys and gals, I now leave you to what you were doing before you checked out my blog (working? studying?) with some pictures of the festival,
I hope to hear from You soon
Tags: Ibiza, Ibiza 2006, Spain, Travel
Dos meses se pasan rápido, pero igual lleva mucho tiempo allá. La semana pasada acabamos clases, esta y la próxima semana los exámenes y entregas finales, al pelo! Endlich diese Scheisse ist weg! En vacaciones voy a trabajar con mi papá ayudandolo en la oficina, no tengo planeado nada especial pero el próximo año estamos pensarnos irnos, con Pipo y Pablo, a los paises del sur del continente… nos podremos encontrar??? Nos sigue haciendo mucha falta simon! Cada vez más. Bis bald!!
Pues si Tomi, el tiempo va pasando y las cosas se han alargado, pero bueno todo sea pa´poder conseguir lo que he querido siempre.
bis bald mein Freund!