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Friday, December 8th, 2006

I am in the middle of hunting for my birthday present. Megan has constructed a scavenger hunt through the city of Xela and I just figured out that I had to visit the blog in order to get one of my clues. I got it. It was sitting in the unpublished section of our blog — don´t you wish you knew how to get there. This is the one that led me here:

Soy un sitio muy popular con la gente familiar. Tu, Megan, y todas me visitan para charlar. (Pero solo con personas lejanas, no con las que pueden tocar).

Yes. The whole thing is in Spanish. And it rhymes. She is letting me use a dictionary. Thank god. Here it is in English:

I am a very popular site with familial folks. You, Megan, and everybody visit me to chat. (But only with people far away, not with those you can touch).

Anyway. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my birthday experience. I think Megan knew that there would be some happy birthday wishes up on the blog for me to see. Here´s the next clue, wish me luck:

Puedo ser el hogar de arañas, pero no espero que sí. Soy oscuro, húmedo, y frío, pero te duermes justo encima de mí.

In english: I might be a home to spiders, but I hope not. I am dark, damp, and cold, but you sleep right on top of me.

I hope she doesn´t mean my bed… because I´m not going to be able to sleep tonight thinking about how it might be a home for spiders. ew.


Weekly Re-Cap

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

1. When stuck in traffic in an old American school bus covered in slogans like “Jesus is my co-pilot” in Spanish, it is hilarious to change the words to American pop songs so that you end up with lyrics such as “In the Chicken Bus, the mighty Chicken Bus, the Mayans sleep tonight.”

2. Sometimes, children in the streets of Xela set off fireworks. Sometimes, if they can smell your fear, they will throw these fireworks at you. Beware.

3. Yesterday, on the way to a café, we saw five children, between the ages of 2 and 5, standing on the counter of a bodega, dancing, while their mother directed them like a conductor. It was preciosa.

4. There is a store on 10th calle in Zona 1 called “moda for Lady Men´s.” I get the reference, but think it´s hilarious that the English term for a man who´s good with the ladies is just an apostrophe away from implying gender queerness.

5. Zil buys her yarn from a married Guatemalan couple named Telma and Luis.

6. Sarah, while trying to conjugate the Spanish verb “pedir,” meaning “to ask for,” accidentily discovered the word for “pedo” meaning “fart.”

7. Megan, attempting to say that while drinking tea you cannot also drink coffee, said that while drinking Edna, her teacher, she could not also drink coffee. Even though this is true, it was not what she was intending.

The Tough-isimo-ocity of our Fearless Heroines

Wednesday, November 29th, 2006
There is a natural hot spring outside of Xela called Fuentes Georginas. We were there over the weekend. We stayed the night with our friends Zil, Cori, and Trika in the little bungalows that dot the perimiter of ... [Continue reading this entry]

A Guatemalan Thanksgiving

Friday, November 24th, 2006

San Marcos on Thankgiving Day
Originally uploaded by [Continue reading this entry]

A Day in the Life

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006
So sorry for the delay in posting. Time flies when you´re stumbling through Spanish phrases at the rate of a small turtle, or, I should say, a tortuga pequeña. Here´s a run-down of the day-to-day here in Xela: ... [Continue reading this entry]

Madonna´s Hamburgers

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
So I suppose it´s my turn to discuss Spanish school and the frustrations of learning a new language. For example, my teacher today asked me if I ate McDonalds´ hamburgers. I thought he asked me if I ate ... [Continue reading this entry]

Yo estoy estudiando español.

Monday, November 6th, 2006
This morning I learned my alphabet. Megan learned about the history of Guatemala. I learned the names of the days of the week. Megan learned about traditional Guatemalan healing practices. I learned how to say ¨food.¨ This is going to be a long month. Other than ... [Continue reading this entry]

Ten Things That Have Happened To Us In The Last Week

Friday, November 3rd, 2006
1. All three of us, Megan, Sarah and Zil, rode a ferris wheel in Todos Santos. The ticket booth indicated that the ride had, at one point, lived in Chicago (like Zil). We were on the ferris ... [Continue reading this entry]