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Night Bus

Friday, February 9th, 2007

Remember when we took a night bus from Tulum to Palenque, in Mexico? I do. It was glorious. Movies, fully reclining seats, and a solid 8 hours without a stop. We were so chipper the next day that we toured Palenque and two different waterfalls. Those were the days.

Today, however, after 12-hours of riding buses from hell, my eyes are sticky, my mouth is dry, and I feel like I’m about to die. And this is all after coffee. Remember all that talk about this being one long vacation? I don’t anymore. Every two hours, we passed a police check point. Five hours into the journey — 2:30 am — we crossed the Ecuador/Peru border and were forced to drag ourselves on foot across a mosquito-ridden bridge and have our passports stamped at three different little offices. Why three? There are only two countries involved. I guess we can’t complain too much though, because this was the only border we’ve crossed that didn’t ask us to pay a fee for the privilege of crossing an imagined divide between two imagined communities. Close All Borders! End All Occupations! Smash the State! Damn the Man! man.

That said, we’re safe and sound in Peru, Chiclayo to be exact. We’ve decided to drown our sorrows and our sticky eyes in a big screen movie this afternoon. We’ll let you know how it is if we don’t fall asleep in the middle.

-Las Dos

Photo A Go Go

Thursday, February 8th, 2007

Cathedral and Cross

Originally uploaded by mebrown06.

Come to Vilcabamba for a day, and stay for three. (Or, like the aforementioned Canadian, come for a week, stay for over a month, and relentlessly judge people). We’ve played our hearts out these past few days: life-sized chess, ping pong, pool, swimming pool games like “handstands” and “swim-through-my-legs” and “guess-what-I’m-saying-underwater.” It’s been great. We’re gearing up for a nightbus to Piura, Peru, leaving at 10:30. We hope to make it to Chiclayo tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, you can click on the picture to view recently uploaded photos. Unfortunately, we’ve run into quite a lot of camera trouble lately: 1) the screen of the new camera we bought for our trip cracked and rendered the camera nearly useless 2) the old camera we brought as a backup is very persnickety. Currently, the new memory chip that we bought to replace the 16 MB chip is not allowing us to put pictures up online. We can take photos just fine and see the photos on the camera, but for some reason when we use our USB camera chip plug in thing, we can’t put the photos onto the computer. Anybody have any advice? I’m thinking that the photos are stored on the chip and there must be a way to get them off, but have no idea what that way might be. All this to say, there are about 200 odd pictures that we can see and you can’t. Ha.

No really, all advice appreciated. We wouldn’t want these pictures to be resigned to a horrible limbo in which they exist only on a 2×4 inch screen. They need to have the chance to live a full, happy life.

-Megan (with help from Sarah)