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Madonna´s Hamburgers

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006

So I suppose it´s my turn to discuss Spanish school and the frustrations of learning a new language. For example, my teacher today asked me if I ate McDonalds´ hamburgers. I thought he asked me if I ate Madonna´s hamburgers, to which I responded, ¨No, is that a place or a type of hamburger?¨ He explained what he had actually said, and I said, oh, I thought you said Madonna´s, like the singer or the mother of Jesus, and was trying to picture what type of hamburger either of them might make. He laughed for about a minute, then proceeded to tell me a joke about why women haven´t yet walked on the moon. Apparently, it´s because they haven´t finished sweeping up the earth yet. Get it? I didn´t, for a very long time, mostly because I couldn´t believe someone was telling me that type of joke. Then I didn´t understand it because I wasn´t sure whether it was funny because women sweep a lot or because there´s a lot of dirt on the earth and the job that they´re doing is silly because it will never be completed.

Then, my teacher proceeded to explain to me the following things: 1) 9/11 was perpetrated by the U.S. government; and 2) Ancient Mayan civilization ended because they discovered a way to fly to Mars and that´s where they´re living. Of course, in 5 hours of class, we discussed several other things that aren´t as interesting, like drinking and smoking, religion, polygamy, scandals, and an American diplomat that he met and is now living in Myanmar.

I can´t wait to see what tomorrow has in store.

-Megan (with help from Sarah)

Yo estoy estudiando español.

Monday, November 6th, 2006

This morning I learned my alphabet.
Megan learned about the history of Guatemala.
I learned the names of the days of the week.
Megan learned about traditional Guatemalan healing practices.
I learned how to say ¨food.¨

This is going to be a long month.

Other than feeling like an overgrown kindergardener, I´m settling in very nicely. We got unbelievably lucky and are staying with a family that is headed by an incredibly loving woman named Irma. Irma cooks for a living, which means that every meal we´ve had since we arrived in her house yesterday afternoon has been absolutely delicious (unlike the food we´ve had in restaurants in Guatemala). She has two teenage daughters and one teenage son. The son, like so many teenage boys, has said about three words in the past two days. His room is covered with pictures of the ladies and he watches football religiously. The two daughters, on the other hand, are vivacious and incredibly welcoming. They giggle a lot. I like them.

So now we´re spending our meal times with Irma pointing at household objects and saying their names (¨spoon¨ ¨table¨ ¨floor¨ ¨tortilla¨), while her two daughters smile gamely and ask us what music we like, to which I respond ¨todos.¨ Because it´s all I know how to say (besides the days of the week). And we´re spending our days learning Spanish at a small school called Sakribal that has been really wonderful. The handprints of the school´s previous students grace the walls and everybody smiles a lot. Megan has probably noticed more about the place because she can understand what they´re all saying. She likes it too, so I´m guessing they´re only saying nice things.

-Sarah (with help from Megan)

Ten Things That Have Happened To Us In The Last Week

Friday, November 3rd, 2006
1. All three of us, Megan, Sarah and Zil, rode a ferris wheel in Todos Santos. The ticket booth indicated that the ride had, at one point, lived in Chicago (like Zil). We were on the ferris ... [Continue reading this entry]

Our First Off-The-Map Adventure

Tuesday, October 31st, 2006
I don´t even know where to start. Just the past few days have given us so many stories... try we must. Crossing the border from Mexico to Guatemala was a study in complexity. We hired a van ... [Continue reading this entry]