The Most Challenging Keyboard Yet…
So John and I left Torremolinos… the owner of the hostel is a really nice Argentinian guy that seemed to really enjoy having us and all guests there. We headed for Algeciras and then made it to Morocco in one piece… we took the shi!ttiest ferry over here and the people wouldnt give us the 20% discount for our Eurail passes even though the booklet said we should. Either way, we are here now and the weather is hot. We will be heading to Marrakesh in a while and should arrive by tomorrow afternoon.
Oh, and this keyboard is the most challenging one to date… I still cant figure out how to get an apostrophe in and I had to cut and paste my exclaimation marks from another site… but can your keyboard to this? ضلاؤيثبلاهتنمكىخح شقسفعرئءغص ىخئ ه نىخئ كغ ضلاؤس ىثءف فهكث ئخىف غخع سهىل ئهفا كث؟, (I hope I didnt just write something offensive).
So far Morocco looks good… it reminds me a little bit of Istanbul with the vendors and people trying to get you to go in their restaurants… Oh but if you want to order a sandwich with fries but no meat in the sandwich, be sure to clarify that you want the fries on the side. I just ate a sandwich that had no meat in it but they put all the fries INTO the sandwich…. interesting to say the least. Anyway, I think thats it… hopefully there will be some sort of internet place in Marrakesh so I can write about us sitting poolside… or going to the market… and whatever else. See you soon!
Tags: Africa, Europe