Some Side Thoughts on Ethiopia
Ok, before I go into making posts about our climb on Kilimanjaro, I wanted to write a little bit more about our time in Ethiopia. I feel that the posts I made really didn’t do the stay we had there justice.
Ethiopia was a really….. what’s the word…. “different” place. First of all, they go by a whole different calendar… they are about 7 years behind the calendar we use so they will be celebrating the millenium this September. That, and they go by a different clock too so everything is like 6 hours ahead or something like that. Either way, we seemed to figure things out and they stay was amazing. Oh, and the affection of Ethiopians is crazy… they are such a loving culture… I think it softened me up quite a bit being there… heh heh.
I can’t help but to think about the children every so often and wonder how they are doing. In three weeks, we really got to know a lot of them and it was heart-wrenching to leave. It’s funny though, I didn’t call home for the duration of the time out there because I didn’t have a phone but one of the kids in one of our classes had a phone and decided to test out my phone number… little did he know, there is a big time difference between Ethiopia and Edmonton so my bro got a nice surprise at 2am. oops. Then my mom sends me and email asking me why I haven’t called when some poor kid in Ethiopia can call… heh heh… guess you had to be there.
Annnyyyway, before we left, a lot of kids gave us small gifts, letters, and photos and even today, I looked back at some and it almost brought a tear to my eye. I can’t help but think about how this whole trip has and will change(d) my life. Just thought I’d throw that out there… siiiggghhhh…
Tags: Africa, Side Thoughts
January 13th, 2007 at 10:52 am
yeah thanks, ass.