Awww… *Tears of Joy*
Awww… I’m all teary-eyed right now… but I’ll tell you why in a little bit.
Last night, there was the CRAZIEST thunderstorm here… it was just DUMPING rain and the lightning and thunder was tremendous. I barely got any sleep because it literally sounded like huge trees cracking next to my ear and the lightning was so constant and close that I thought I was going to be struck dead…. Even at 6:30am, when I normally get ready for work, it was pouring. I wasn’t about to hold up my little metal umbrella and swim to the bus stop so I actually emailed my coworkers to say I’d be late and wait out the storm. As things always happen after you send an email, the sky seemed to clear up a little and I was able to get out to work only a half hour later than usual. Seemed like such a bad start to the first day of summer though.
At work, I got a call from my Aunt and mom… both workaholics… they were wondering how, and what I was doing and my mom actually wanted to see if there was anything she could help with! I mean, I love my momz and that’s great that she wants to help but they call it a HOLIDAY for a reason (oh, for those of you who don’t know, my aunt and mom, along with some other family are on a Cruise in Italy). So, I told them I’d send them some info on what I was working on… geez. Work was good today… I actually felt like my old self, pounding away at the keyboard…. I even got to celebrate a nerd moment with my supervisor, Charlie. I don’t know if he was acting but he seemed to be happy about the nerdy achievement too. I don’t think he wanted to admit it because he probably thinks nerdism is contagious… he laughed at how I set up all my colored pens the other day. hehe… ok, I am a super nerd. However, I find it weird that I am working with people who are like 100000 times smarter than me, all with their PhD’s, and they are calling me a nerd??? Anyway, on the way home today, there was some delightful music playing in the square in Ferney… I tapped my foot and bobbed my head in that “white-guy-dancing” kind of way before feeling slightly retarded and made the walk back to the apartment. The only thing about a night of torrential rain, is that the grazing field for the cows smells sooooo rank after… that was not a lovely walk home.
Anyway, this evening was awesome. First, I got an email from a special someone I met in Thailand… he is part of a triad of people (to which I belong) who wanted to change the world. Me and these two other people are worlds apart physically but something about that night of philosophical conversation stuck with me. It’s like we keep each other’s spirits high to try and change the world. So yeah, it was great to hear from him… then my oldest friend in the world sent me a message saying that she discovered that I was still blogging and I brought some happiness to an otherwise shitty day 🙂 . So, here I was, feeling all warm and fuzzy…. when I started to think about how I still haven’t changed the world. Which then led me to remember helping the little kids in Ethiopia… so, I picked up the phone and called 2 of my favorite little munchkins. First, I called Abel… sweet little Abel… he made me a little booklet with pictures, a letter, some games, and a small Amharic dictionary when I was out there… him and Mattius are best friends so I called Mattius right after… both of them cried as we conversed about how the weather was and when I would be returning to Ethiopia to visit them. Both of them made me cry tears of joy and they made me promise to write to them and they will write to me… it really just brought me back to being in Ethiopia and what a great time I had volunteering there.
So, I thought I’d leave today’s blog with a couple pics from Ethiopia….The first one (starting from the left) is of Abel, me and Mattius. The second on is of Abel and I… and the last 2 are 2 of my favorite pictures… these two kids didn’t really speak any english so I didn’t get to know them but they were adorable… and even if I didn’t get to know them it was still difficult leaving them!
Tags: Europe
June 23rd, 2007 at 9:32 pm
whoa i didn’t know u still posted…
o well, i talk to u everyday at work…