Beach Day
Well, we dedicated today to going to the beach… but when we woke up, it was cloudy! However, we were DETERMINED to go to the beach so we packed up our towels, threw on our beach gear and our flip flops and headed to the beach. After the short walk to the beach, we found some fold down chairs and settled in. The beach was dead since it was such a cloudy day… although, it was still 20 degrees out! So, we spent about 5 hours at the beach even when it started to rain a little… we just huddled under the little grass umbrella above our beach seats. It really wasn´t that bad… John built a really crappy sand castle though… like… my dog could have pooed a nicer castle…. haha… just kidding… the first one was a piece of crap… the second one was better… he took a bucket from a nearby restaurant and it was actually decent…. kind of.
The afternoon was pretty uneventful… we are heading to Algeciras tomorrow to try and catch a ferry into Morocco. So Tomorrow will probably be another travel day. Then we´ll be settled in Morocco for about a week… we´ve already started talking about what foods we are going to be cooking at the apartment and what not… I´m really looking forward to getting to Morocco and just being able to stay planted in one place for one week.
This is our first glimpse of Africa.
Tags: Europe