BootsnAll Travel Network

blog, schmog, fog, bog

If deciding (and planning) a one-year around the world trip isn't time consuming enough, I've decided to up the ante and start a travel blog to help my family deal with the idea of the trip as well as keep up with me while we travel, to have a record of my trip for the future and finally to try to help others with their rtw trip planning. I've searched and searched for helpful sites, and while I've found quite a few that were helpful in their own way, it was difficult to find a site that was specific to the kind of trip we're going to take. So, what kind of trip is that you ask? Well, let me tell you. We're two young-ish kids (25 and 23) who have decided to take a year off from the real world (Gina from job, Steve from school) and travel around the world for a year on as little money as possible. We want to really experience the places where we're visiting--to get a sense of how the people in that country actually live. We're into hiking and backpacking, but also into cultural activities, music, food, and just sitting around. I'll try to post as much and as often as I can... hopefully I'll stick this blog out! I have a lot of websites and books I've been reading that I'm sure might be helpful to other potential rtw travelers out there. So, enjoy, dream, become inspired, and try to ignore all of my quick typing spelling/grammar mistakes! Gina.

Meagan is the best! (or: Why I don’t have to buy a backpack)

August 28th, 2007

Steve and I went to visit my family in Pennsylvania this past week (pretty much the whole clan lives in or near the same little town where I was born, which makes it a lot easier to visit everyone). It was nice to see everyone and also to tell them about our trip plans. We received various responses ranging from “I hate you! I’m so jealous!” to somewhere in the region of “You’re gonna huh where!?!” But, all in all, I think it went over pretty well. Hopefully some or all of them will meet up with us somewhere around the world (most likely not, but it would be very nice if they did).

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Gear I’ve bought so far…

August 14th, 2007

I got really excited last Friday when my first internet trip purchases came in. I’m a little weary of buying any clothes items online simply because women’s clothes especially are all cut differently and the sizing is completely ridiculous (in my humble opinion). But, I found one site–Ex Officio–that I really like.

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Most helpful rtw planning book

August 14th, 2007

In my initial excitement about this trip, I bought a lot of rtw travel planning books. But really if I could go back in time, I would only buy one book: The Practical Nomad by Edward Hasbrouck.

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August 8th, 2007

Our itinerary has gone through several stages, but I think this is pretty close to what we’ll actually end up doing. It’s been the same for a couple of months now, which is a good sign.

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Our budget

August 8th, 2007

I think coming up with what I felt was a realistic budget was one of the most difficult things I had to do. I read a lot in travel books and other people’s blogs about how to go about doing this. This is an explanation of how I came up with the budget and then the actual budget itself.

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Elizabeth my kitty-love

August 7th, 2007

This post is really more for me and Steve while we’re away than anything else. I just wanted to put some pictures of our cat on here so we can look at them every now and then and miss her.

Elizabeth's face
Pretty face.

Elizabeth on the couch
I love her poof!


How we met

August 7th, 2007

Just in case anyone out there is interested in the personal side of things as well as maybe a little more insight into our love of travel, I thought I’d tell the story of how Steve and I met.

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