How we met
Just in case anyone out there is interested in the personal side of things as well as maybe a little more insight into our love of travel, I thought I’d tell the story of how Steve and I met.
Steve and I met in June 2004 at a bus stop in Berlin, Germany. I had just graduated from college and was doing the standard train tour of Europe with my good friend Joe. It was only about a week into our trip and Joe and I were already arguing (not surprisingly). This particular instance was because Joe was “in charge” of Berlin. He was supposed to have done research so we’d know where to go, what to see, and most importantly how to get from the train station to our hostel. He had printed out directions from the hostel web page, but they were little help when we had to try to figure out the bus system and it was all (obviously) in German–which neither of us spoke (another point of contention because Joe had taken a few German language classes in college and said that he could get us by…we were never out of beer or toilets). So, we had just gotten off of a train from Brussels and were trying to figure out which bus we were supposed to get on, when a very handsome man approached us and asked if we were from the U.S. We said yes, he said he was too and introductions commenced. It turned out that he was also staying at our same hostel, was traveling alone for this leg of his journey (he was in Europe for 3 months and was meeting up with a friend sometime later on) and was going to go to Prague next (which was also our next destination). It was kismet! As an added bonus he was from the San Francisco Bay area (where I wanted to move to once I returned to the States and saved enough money). I originally thought it was an ideal way to make a friend and gain a possible place to crash when I moved out West (I lived in Alabama at the time). But we ended up hitting it off much better than I could ever have imagined, and now we’ve been happily coupled ever since.
I personally think that it’s very important that you have things in common with your partner (and things that are different, too, so you can explore new things), so what better way to meet someone then while doing one of the things you love the most!
Steve and me in Prague 2004 shortly after we met.
Tags: About Steve and Gina, Berlin, Prague, rtw, Travel
So, the truth is that this guy “Joe” brought the two of you together. Right? What a great guy.
Joe is a funny lil red headed boy….