Topsy Turvy
Sunday, February 22nd, 2009Prague, Czech Republic.
Things didn’t work out at the farm. Last week was a very stressful week for us. I got an email Sunday from one of the graduate schools I applied to saying they were missing something from my application, and that I had one week to turn it in. But they didn’t say what. I tried frantically emailing the woman to ask what it was I was missing (after checking online that everything was checked off as being done and that they’d received my transcripts). She didn’t respond. Finally on Wednesday I emailed her again and also the Graduate Division as a whole, and my Department. I also had Steve’s sister Laura call them, since I realized I had put her down as an authorized representative (smart thinking). Finally Laura got some answers. It seems they were missing my entire application (for the Graduate Division. The department’s application was mailed in and they received it). Pretty confusing when I could look at it online and see that it was both there and marked off as submitted. But it was some sort of computer glitch, and a couple of very nice people fixed the problem and everything is okay now. But I could’ve done and said not so nice things to the woman who didn’t respond to me until I wrote everyone else, too. I’m trying to tell myself that maybe she was out sick, but when she finally emailed me it wasn’t apologetic.