BootsnAll Travel Network

Meagan is the best! (or: Why I don’t have to buy a backpack)

Steve and I went to visit my family in Pennsylvania this past week (pretty much the whole clan lives in or near the same little town where I was born, which makes it a lot easier to visit everyone). It was nice to see everyone and also to tell them about our trip plans. We received various responses ranging from “I hate you! I’m so jealous!” to somewhere in the region of “You’re gonna huh where!?!” But, all in all, I think it went over pretty well. Hopefully some or all of them will meet up with us somewhere around the world (most likely not, but it would be very nice if they did).

When we were telling my cousin Meagan about our trip plans and all the stuff we needed to buy, she mentioned that she had a backpack that she hadn’t used in a while and wouldn’t use for a while that I could borrow if I wanted. Of course, I jumped at her offer with a little side note of it probably not coming back in the same condition she gave it to me (Meagan: I promise to repair or replace the bag at your discretion once we return). So after stuffing it into our suitcase (Steve and I shared one medium-sized suitcase for the week-long trip and we still had room to fit the backpack! I think we’re–or at the very least I’m–getting better at packing less!) and carting it home, I had a fine gentleman at REI size it for me, and it fits like a glove! I haven’t put anything in it yet, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Hopefully the bag will be larger than I need for the stuff I’m going to bring.

On a funny side note, it’s identical (other than the fact that it’s for a woman) to Steve’s backpack! We’re going to be super-nerdy twinkies! I’ll have to jazz mine up somehow so we don’t accidentally grab the wrong bag–although I think the fact that mine will *hopefully* end up being a lot lighter than Steve’s might tip us off.

So, yay for Meagan! Yay for free backpack!! On Saturday it will be 8 months before no more job and 9 months before we leave for the trip! Woo Hoo!

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One response to “Meagan is the best! (or: Why I don’t have to buy a backpack)”

  1. […] during a big sale. We tried out the bags, loved them, had my backpack fitted (mentioned in previous post), and I also found some awesome, attractive, lightweight Goretex boots (just what I wanted!) for […]

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