BootsnAll Travel Network

11.13 – Planes, Trains, and Alcohol

November 14th, 2006

4pm – Hamilton, NJ – It has begun. A few hours ago I left work and started my journey. I sit now on a train bound for New York. My pack is loaded with only the essentials and my heart is beating in anticipation. Although I will not be continuing around the world after Spain, this is still my first taste of the backpacking life.

It is still hard to believe it is actually happening. It is a greater feeling than any childlike euphoria I’ve ever experienced. My mind is stirring, and my insides are tingling. Today feels like the first day of my life. Read the rest of this entry »

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T-24 hours

November 13th, 2006

It’s well past 3am, and my eyelids are far from heavy.  Tomorrow I will leave US soil for the first time in a year.

Roebling, NJ

I have packed my bag, repacked, and repacked again.  Somehow everything managed to fit, with plenty of extra empty space left to spare.  My flight is confirmed, and a hostel is booked.  In 24 hours the flight will land in Spain, and I will take the first steps alone in a foreign land where I hardly speak the language.

Ironically, right now I actually have use for one of the few Spanish phrases I know… I really never imagined I’d ever have a legitimate use for it:

¿Donde es mis pantalones?

Seriously, I can’t find my work pants… anybody seen them?  I didn’t leave them by anybody’s bed over the weekend… did I?

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October 31st, 2006

One of the most exciting aspects about a trip of this magnitude is that the appearance of unforeseen objectives and obstacles are guaranteed. I just wasn’t expecting them this soon. Oh well. The best seeds of adventure are often born through adaptation. Wherever life takes you, go without a fight, and everything will be alright.

So… here I am. This shackle of a house is still keeping my feet tied to New Jersey, but in my hands I hold a plane ticket to Madrid on November 13th….

As of today, I also have a return flight from Madrid on November 20th. Life may have kept me from starting the journey around the world in two weeks, but nothing is stopping me from going to Spain for a week. It’ll be a nice excuse to break in my pack! ¡España, aquí vengo!



October 26th, 2006

So… as of today I found out that everything fell through with the sale of my house. It’s unbelievable that a bank would pre-approve somebody for a mortgage and then deny it 2 weeks before closing. I’m upset for obvious reasons, but the buyer of my house had to go to the hospital for stress related complications to her pregnancy as well. So until they can find another buyer, there’s nothing to do but wait.

If anybody has any influence over how the universe works, everyone involved in this sale could really use your help right now.


WHEN: Calm Before the Storm

October 18th, 2006

On Monday, November 13th, 2006 there will be a flight to Madrid with me on it. After spending a few days there, it’s time to catch the other flight to Ibiza on Friday. Next…. anywhere the wind may blow.

In the meantime, there are way too many preparations that need attention. A few things need to be fixed before the house closes. I need to sell my possessions and pack what little I’m leaving behind, as well as buy the rest of the gear. I also have to finish mixing a recent recording and spend time with a few friends who I may not see for a couple years. There’s not much else to tell until the journey begins. Until then… adiós mis amigos!

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WHERE: Initial Itinerary

October 13th, 2006

I got stabbed in the arm three times today. My skin will be punctured twice more on Monday, and thrice more in few weeks. Over the course of the last month I’ve already had six new holes put in me. Blood tests and Vaccinations; I could leave without them and probably have a crazy story about how I nearly died of yellow fever… but I’m sure enough adventure is imminent that I’d rather avoid releasing the contents of my stomach violently while simultaneously bleeding from the other end.

Alas, I’m making all the final preparations for being a global citizen and these are necessary steps. I’ve already purchased my pack and started to gather supplies. It’s pretty exciting for me to be shopping for new toys and my ”new home” for the next couple of years. However, the details of that would probably bore you to tears…. I’m sure you’d rather hear about where I’ll be going and what I’ll be doing on this trip, so here it goes: Read the rest of this entry »

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The day I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived…

October 9th, 2006

My house is sold! The contracts are signed and the closing is on November 10th, 2006! I’ve started to make all the preparations for the sale, and this dream adventure I’m about to embark on.

I have a massive number of things I need to accomplish before I set foot off US soil. A few are extremely urgent, so I won’t be able to go into detail at this point. All I know is that there is now another day to anxiously await…


Seven Days Without Food

September 29th, 2006

In preparation for my extended period of travel, I’ve been doing everything to condition my body to the rigors and maladies of travel. For years I’ve maintained a steady regiment of regular exercise, and ate a relatively healthy, nutritional diet. However, I’ve recently been turned on to the alternative medical practice of fasting. Read the rest of this entry »

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Conquering Fear

September 25th, 2006

One of my biggest fears about traveling the world for an extended period of time was that I would have to do it on my own. It’s wasn’t solitude or separation from my friends that made me nervous. I was more concerned about being lost in a foreign city with no idea of where to go or what to do.

This past weekend I came to realize how absurd that was. I was called for a job in Baltimore, MD (about 4 hours away from my home). I was set up with a nice hotel room, and had a great crew to work and socialize with. However, I decided to avoid those comforts brave the city on my own. Read the rest of this entry »

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HOW: My Plan

September 12th, 2006

There are a lot of things to gain from this experience. I plan to expand knowledge of myself as well as the others that occupy this vast world. But all anxious speculation aside, I need a plan to turn these dreams into a reality.

I’ve made the resolution to sell my house, car, and most of my worldly possessions. I will leave a few mementos of the past with my mother, as well as the recording equipment so I can resume business upon return. I will be giving anything I can’t sell to friends, or donating it to goodwill. The goal is to get enough money together to purchase a flight out the country, buy a pack and other gear, have enough left over to travel for about a year on a less than moderate budget, and put the rest in a CD waiting for return to a new life. Read the rest of this entry »

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