Timothy- 262 Days To Go
Dear Fans,
Lord of The Rings has always been the best topic in my life. My Uncle introduced me to it. The best thing about Lord of The Rings is everything. There are so many things you can learn about. I would say Aragorn, son of Arathorn, is my favorite character, he is awesome. Aragorn is so cool because he has been given long life allowing him to accomplish many things. The books are awesome, the Hobbit is incredible. I love how they name Sauron , The Necromancer. J.R.R Tolkien (John Ronald Ruehl Tolkien) is just fabulous with his writing skills. The thing, I think is cool about The Lord of The Rings, is collecting all the stuff, that they have. Action figures, swords, masks, helmets and a lot more great things. Now don’t get me started with the movies. The thing I’m most excited about, is going on The Lord of The Rings Tour in New Zealand, that my Brother and My Uncle Max are going on, in October. The Tour will be awesome, we get to meet the WETA crew. The Tour is for 12 days and we go every place they made the movie. The hard part is, That I have to make “A” Honor Roll, I think I can do it. So, I don’t have any more to talk about. I hope you keep coming on this blog of our trip to New Zealand, on the LOTR Tour. Maybe after you read this, you will like to go to there too . See ya.. Tim
Tags: Timmy
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