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The Trip

Wednesday, July 19th, 2006

Hello There,,,

       The trip is paid for ! As of today, the tour with relaxingjourneys is all paid for!!!! All that hard work and overtime has paid off. I can’t believe it. I have never worked so hard in my life. I had 3 months to come up with $12,000, and I did it with 1 month to spare! If I keep up this pace, I will double my normal salary. That is mind blowing to me. I never thought I could do it. But I did. It goes to show you, that if the will is there and with hard work, anything could be accomplished. I know this is only a vacation to some people, but to me and the boys, its a chance of a lifetime. When i looked at my last paycheck and knew that all my hard work was over, I cried.  I had to get up and leave the room, I was overcome with emotion. I have never climbed a mountain this high or had so much pressure on me. I didn’t want to break the Boys hearts, if I failed.  But it’s done,, and now I can enjoy the rest of the summer. And to look forward to actually going on the trip this Octber.  Thanks to everyone who had some part to play in this saga, those who put up with me being crabby and short and tired all the time. And thanks to everyone who said a kind word of encouragement, It didn’t fall on Deaf Ears, Namarie Max


Monday, July 3rd, 2006

Today is the 3rd day of July, and it really feels like this are going well. Michelle took the Boys today for their passports. 6 weeks from now, we should be recieving them in the mail. I still haven’t applied for mine, I’ll do that this wednesday, the 5th. I wanted to get their applications out of the way first. I was a little worried, something might got wrong. So now, no excuses I will apply soon.  In the next couple of days I should have some even more exciting news, concerning the trip, so stay tuned.  Namarie    Max


Thursday, May 18th, 2006


        I thought it might be smart to have a recap for all new readers and perhaps just to refresh old readers memories,, This blog is a Diary of Our Trip to New Zealand this coming October.  The Participants are: me- Max the Administrator, The Record Holder, the King-maker and All Around All Father.  The Twins-Timmy and Tommy, who by the way just turned 13 yoa. (Now I have to pay adult air fare, thanks boys ). We are huge Lord of The Rings Fans, who have been dreaming of traveling to NZ , where they filmed the movie. The Agreement by all involved is as Follows. The Twins must carry above average grades ie: A’s and B’s and I must pay for the whole kit and kaboodle ( both boys have since made the Honor Roll,, What the Hell was I thinking !!!!). The Trip , which includes a tour  Relaxing Journeys and plane fare is coming in around $16,000 ( again what the hell was I thinking?!!!!!!).  I have been working tirelessly to make this Dream and Promise a reality, I have worked almost all Days off, not including Mothers Day-I had to spend the Day with Mom, and so far everything is coming along nicely. We are at about 33% so far, not too shabby, but summer is around the corner and I really love Summer. So I’m a little worried.

A little recap about us- I just turned 40, work for The City, in an Emergency Service Position, which I hate by the way, way too stressful and chaotic . I love to read, watch movies and I’m big into Sci-fi. I love the out-doors, hiking and playing VolleyBall and Tennis and I’m completely devoted to my Wonderful Family (in other words , no social Life, hahahah).

The Twins are Extraordinary Boys who love to play baseball, football, ride their bikes all over town and enjoy hanging out with their old Uncle. Their Favorite Characters are Aragorn and Legolas, you will have to pull up an old post to read why.

This Summer is going to be very long and there will be few and far between posts, as there won’t be too much to talk about. I will try and make updates as much as I can. But I don’t want to inundate the reader with nothing to say, But Maybe soon I will write about my Favorite character too , and the reason why the Book and then the Movie are such an inspiration to my life, and how they have influenced my life. Believe me that story is an Eye Opener.  ‘ till next time Namarie   



Saturday, April 29th, 2006

It’s official,, Report cards came out today. Timmy made B Honor Roll with all A’s and just 1 B, in English.  And Thomas made the A Honor Roll with straight A’s, Congratulations boys, I’m so proud of you. You are really working hard to make our trip a reality. Nice Job


Lessons Learned

Wednesday, April 19th, 2006

This Post and The Trip have provided the Twins and I with more chances to bond and to learn from mistakes made, as well as each other. One example of that Is, What exactly to say in the Post. In an earlier post I explained that I thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone who their favorite character is, why the love the movies etc. etc. Lately, the Boys have shared some of their reading material and what they thought of what they were reading. Nice and interesting, if I say so. but sometimes lessons have a way of popping up, when we least expect it. Case in point. 12 yoa boys , no matter who they are, where they live or How wonderful they are, don’t exactly want to share every thought, with absolute honesty. They do have egos, believe it or not. And I expect, they don’t want to feel less than what they are. Obviously, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. But Kids don’t have the life experience we do.   I believe in Truthfulness in literature, whether it’s fiction or non fiction. regardless of the Genre. I don’t want to be lied to. PERIOD.  The Lord of the Rings is a great example of that, I think. Yes it’s Fantasy, but each character acts and reacts as honestly as they can, in the context of where they are and what is happening in the story, How they react to each other and the environment, they are in, is incredibly honest and truthful. Also, I believe Tolkien wrote it, from an honest point of view, with integrity and with incredibley honest intentions, so that we the reader, could understand our own humanity! Read it, I DARE you to prove me wrong! I challenge anyone!! I explained this to The Boys and told them that they could express themselves however they wanted. With very little editing from me. As long as it was Truthful and Honest, no one will criticize, or make fun of them, speak your Truth from your heart, because we as readers would only respect them all the more!!!! Max

The Weather

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

Hello there,,

     Many people asked what the temperature will be, when the boys and I are in Nz. So I found a nice site, which tells the temp in celsius and fahrenheit for us Americans,, New zealand Climate. I am praying that It is unseasonally warm that time of the year, since I want to be able to enjoy the weather and the outdoors,, We also want to enjoy all the activities Middl- Earth and NZ have to offer,,,The shire should be green and overflowing, if it’s not I will be so disappointed.  



School Progress

Friday, March 10th, 2006

Both Timmy and Tommy won awards today at school,, Timmy won outstanding student in Language Arts. Tommy Won outstanding student in Science. Both were The #1 student in those subjects!!!! Fantastic Job boys!! See what you can do, when you set your mind to it!! Great Job. I am so proud of you !!!! Max

Timmys Thoughts

Monday, February 27th, 2006
    The reason, I really what to go on this trip, is that Lord of the rings is my favorite subject in the world, as you already know. Lord of the rings can be everyones favorite subject just like mine, my Uncle Max’s, and my brother Toms. My science teacher always loved the lord if the rings, so she might be gettiing jealous hahah. The Hobbit, I have read it many times, is incredible! Just like the other books. When you read the books, it seems like you are there, and everything around you is real. My teacher says the same thing. The same thing happens when I watch the awesome movies. I try to watch all three in a row in one night. Lord of the rings has the best influence on people. Every time I read, watch,and listen about Lord of the rings, I learn something new. Lord of the rings shows many things that you can learn, so I learn something new every day. Basically, Lord of the rings can be educational to anyone. The teachers should teach Lord of the rings at school. See ya.  Tim

It’s Official **** 259 Days to Go ****

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

Hello There,,

             I guess it really is official now,, Spoke to Jill from Relaxing Journeys, and all accomodations have been made and finalized.  I had to put money down to reserve a place for us on the tour. Final tally for the Tour alone is $10,800 NZ, which turns out to be $7,308.17US. Not too bad considering we will have 12 days in Middle-Earth. I sent my down payment today to reserve our places $750 NZ = $504 US. Now I need to get my butt moving on the rest of the money, and the airfare, which is going to be monumental,,, Namarie 


Cost of a Dream

Tuesday, February 14th, 2006

   How much does a Dream cost? This is a question I have asked myself quite a few times these last few months. Ever since I decided to take the Boys to New Zealand, We have encountered 1 hurtle after another. First, since NZ is on the other side of the world, I had to try and get a furlo (Vacation) pick, in April, which would’ve corresponded with early Fall in NZ and also when the Boys had Easter break. That didn’t happen, I don’t have the seniority, I was out bid. The best I could get was October, which is early spring, hopefully it won’t be a wet spring.  That was a blow that took some time getting over, But The Boys have such a positive attitude, they figured it would give us more time to save money and more chances for me to work overtime.  Overtime is a huge hurtle for me, becuase, i’m personally very lazy,  I really enjoy my free time, and any time away from work is well spent. But money is definitely a Huge hurtle.  I just didn’t realize How huge a hurtle, until pricing everything With Jill From Relaxing Journeys, This is going to set me back!!  Don’t misunderstand, I always knew it was going to cost a lot, but this is crazy. For the Tour alone, it is costing $7,600 US for the 3 of  us, for 12 days! Now add into that the air fare, that is going to set me back almost $6,000 US, I almost feinted !!! But this dream has become a Passion, A chance in a lifetime, to step outside one’s life and do something out of the ordinary.  As I write this,the Olympics are on, I’m listening to Athletes from all over the World, talk about the Goal for Gold, and all the hurtles and injuries it took for them to achieve their Goal.  This then has become our Goal, our Dream. Anything less isn’t good enough. It’s All in God’s Hands, we can only do our best, and keep our eyes on the Gold.    MAX