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Max 261 days to go

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

About 2 wks ago, I emailed a question to the editor of Agent of Travel, A column in the Chicago Sun-Times Travel section. Today, the answer to that question was published. In summary, I asked whether or not there were special papers, aside from the pre-requisite passports, that I needed to take with me, that allows me, as The Twins Uncle, not their Guardian, to leave the country.  The Editor Lisa Lenoir responded with  more information than I could have hoped for. No special papers needed, she also provided plenty of other information.  The books she recommended, I already have, but she also provided flight information, info on immunizations and also websites we could visit to get even more information.  The boys were so excited, they jumped on their bikes in a snowstorm to ride to the nearest store to buy the paper. The full story is available on The Sun-times website.   Another hurtle down,,,,,,  Max 11 Feb 06 15:05 hrs

Biography Pt Deux

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

The Twins,

Timothy and Thomas are both 12, about average hobbit height, (I’m sure they can tell us their exact ht, but off hand I don’t know it), above average students, (they must get A honor roll to go on this Voyage) , both of whom love baseball, skateboarding,Ping Pong, riding their bikes around town and playing video games. Thomas is now taking after me and learning to play the Piano, he is a quick learner, and Timmy is a beautiful Artiste, he is perfecting his sketching and drawing abilities. Both boys are kind and considerate (ask any who meet them)and very polite and respectful. I have asked them to jot down some ideas on several topics , so they can share their thoughts with everyone. They asked me what kind of topics. I suggested several. Why the want to go to NZ, who their favorite character was, why they love the movies/books (both are reading the Hobbit now), why i’m the greatest person in the world, hahaha kidding, and so in the ensuing months, between trips to get our passports, me working overtime, them doing extra credit at school etc etc, They will be posting their ideas, I think also its a good idea for me to write my thoughts on those related topics. For Now Namarie


Biographies pt One

Tuesday, February 7th, 2006

Some people have suggested to me to post bio’s of me and the boys, to allow everyone to get to know us better,, Good idea,, so here goes

Max-age 39-soon to be 30 yoa, love to Read, love to travel, volleyball, tennis and being in the outdoors and especially enjoy my family,and friends, w/o whose support and love makes this all possible, I do want to thank some people who have pushed me all the way ,,
Dad-my Rock of Gibralter
Mom- The Love of MY Life
Shelly-The Light of my Life, my Guardian Angel who always takes care of me, she has given me the greatest Gifts.
Carrie- My Veronda Er, former Dance Partner extroardinaire, always supportive.
Sue C-My Mell’on , and my Editor, who always reads everything first, All criticism are positive and accepted,
Thanks to all my friends and Co-workers, most of whom are friends now, who have given me a kind word and encouragement…. alasse’ ar’ mela e’ coia

The Journey Begins

Monday, February 6th, 2006

” The Road Goes Ever on and on
Down from the door where it began”

Thomas, Timothy and Me, Max ,want to welcome one and all to our travel blog. In October of this year 2006 , we will be embarking on our pilgrimmage to Middle-Earth, for those who don’t know New Zealand , which was the location for Peter Jacksons film trilogy , The Lord of The Rings . We wanted all our loved ones and friends to share in all our trials and tribulations, in our goal to travel to NZ. Hopefully this blog will be entertaining as well as informative. I know we are going to enjoy posting it, I shall try not overwhelm the reader with Rings trivia and minutia, at least I will make the effort, I can’t promise anything,, I asked the boys to post as well , Their contributions are as important as mine, they will be posting on how the movies/books have influenced their lives and who their favorite characters are, etc,, come back often, I will also be posting updates on our successes and failures and there should be plenty of fun pictures too,,,Namarie