The Journey Begins
” The Road Goes Ever on and on
Down from the door where it began”
Thomas, Timothy and Me, Max ,want to welcome one and all to our travel blog. In October of this year 2006 , we will be embarking on our pilgrimmage to Middle-Earth, for those who don’t know New Zealand , which was the location for Peter Jacksons film trilogy , The Lord of The Rings . We wanted all our loved ones and friends to share in all our trials and tribulations, in our goal to travel to NZ. Hopefully this blog will be entertaining as well as informative. I know we are going to enjoy posting it, I shall try not overwhelm the reader with Rings trivia and minutia, at least I will make the effort, I can’t promise anything,, I asked the boys to post as well , Their contributions are as important as mine, they will be posting on how the movies/books have influenced their lives and who their favorite characters are, etc,, come back often, I will also be posting updates on our successes and failures and there should be plenty of fun pictures too,,,Namarie
Tags: Max
Dear Boys,
You are the luckiest little boys in the world to have an uncle to think so much of you, that he would take you guys to new zealand. I hope you have a wonderful time, and i will miss you so much. i cant wait to experience your trip through this website. Have Fun.
Love MOM