Bon Jour
Friday, January 12th, 2007It is official, Paris in September! I’m very excited, and desperately learning French. I always said that I would never go,unless I knew enough of the language to get by. So Sue and I, are cramming like crazy. I bought several books and a couple of cd’s. I can learn in my car, at work and at home, no excuses. We want to do Paris in 4 days and then the rest of France the other 4 days. Hopefully that is possible, there is just so much to see.
April is still up in there. I haven’t made my mind up yet, about where I want to go. I did have an invitation to go to Scotland, but the invitee got cold feet I think,, She had second thoughts about invited a complete stranger, and a crazy American on top of that!! Mom found out Celine is done in Las Vegas in December and since we haven’t seen her yet, she is campaigning to go there and then on to the Redwood forest { which I’ve always wanted to see}. I have very little time to make up my mind. But what a great feeling to have all these options open to me. Thats a blessing,,,, Namarie